ms-DFSR-OnDemandExclusionDirectoryFilter ms-DFSR-OnDemandExclusionFileFilter ms-DFSR-Options ms-DFSR-Options2 ms-DFSR-Priority ms-DFSR-RdcEnabled ms-DFSR-RdcMinFileSizeInKb ms-DFSR-ReadOnly ms-DFSR-ReplicationGroupGuid ms-DFSR-ReplicationGroupType ms-DFSR-RootFence ms-DFSR-RootPath ms-DFS...
(recommended). Open the registry base with "regedit", then open "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system". Create (if it does not exist) the following DWORD value :LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicyand set it to1.To enable again UAC for remote a...
WMI Filter Exclude OU WMI FILTER FOR AD- LAPTOPS DESKTOPS Mini-Pc .. WMI Filter for Group Policy to look at the IP address WMI Filter for Windows 7 and Above how is best achieved WMI Filter Help - Manufacturer NOT LIKE WMI Filter if Software is NOT Installed (<>). Is that possible?
In this example, an administrator wants to distribute a new network connection manager tool only to desktops that have modems. The administrator can deploy the package by using the following WMI filter to target those desktops:Copy Select * from Win32_POTSModem Where Name = " MyModem" ...
2.158 Attribute msDFSR-DefaultCompressionExclusionFilter 2.159 Attribute msDFSR-DeletedPath 2.160 Attribute msDFSR-DeletedSizeInMb 2.161 Attribute msDFSR-DfsLinkTarget 2.162 Attribute msDFSR-DfsPath 2.163 Attribute msDFSR-DirectoryFilter 2.164 Attribute msDFSR-DisablePacketPrivacy 2.165 Attribute msDFSR-En...
What if you have a GPO that you want to apply only to servers running Windows Server 2008 Core installations? Here is a sample query (wrapped for readability, this should be done as a single line in the filter dialog):SELECT OperatingSystemSKU FROM Win32_OperatingSystem WHERE OperatingSystem...
ELSE 'Desktops' END ORDER BY 2 desc In our case, the proportion of desktop PCs and laptops is 2832 to 109. So, we have considered how to create an SCCM collection or a GPO WMI filter that allows to select all laptops in the network using ChassisTypes attribute of SystemEnclosure class....
the WHERE clause limits the query to only that drive type (DriveType=3). Without this filter floppy drives, CD-ROM drives, and network shares would also get included in the check, which would probably not be desired. TheNameproperty is also retrieved and used when a low space message needs...
the WHERE clause limits the query to only that drive type (DriveType=3). Without this filter floppy drives, CD-ROM drives, and network shares would also get included in the check, which would probably not be desired. TheNameproperty is also retrieved and used when a low space message needs...
ms-DFSR-OnDemandExclusionDirectoryFilter ms-DFSR-OnDemandExclusionFileFilter ms-DFSR-Options ms-DFSR-Options2 ms-DFSR-Priority ms-DFSR-RdcEnabled ms-DFSR-RdcMinFileSizeInKb ms-DFSR-ReadOnly ms-DFSR-ReplicationGroupGuid ms-DFSR-ReplicationGroupType ms-DFSR...