FilterToConsunmerBinding是将过滤审核特定的事件和当事件传递给此类时执行命令动作绑定在一起,以此来明确什么事件由什么消费者处理负责, 如下代码是通过创建FilterToConsumerBinding类的实例来将EventFilter和EventConsumer这两个实例连接绑定一起。 代码语言:bash 复制 instance of __FilterToConsumerBinding{Filter=$EventFil...
(3)FilterToConsumerBinding FilterToConsumerBinding(消费者绑定筛选器)将EventConsumer实例与EventFilter实例相关联,以明确什么事件由什么消费者处理和负责。如下代码通过创建FilterToConsumerBinding类的实例来将EventFilter和EventConsumer这两个实例连接绑定在一起。 instance of_FilterToConsumerBinding { Filter = $EventFilt...
Now link the WMI filter to a GPO. For example, you may want yourprinter installation domain policyto apply only to computers running Windows 10 and 11. Select the WMI filter you created in theWMI Filteringsection of the GPO Update clients’ GPO settings. The policy will now only apply to ...
$prv= gcim-namespaceroot/standardcimv2 __win32provider-filter"name=<providername>"$prv.HostingModel =$Prv.HostingModel +":OWN" 备注 在此命令中, <providername> 表示目标工作提供程序的名称。 若要设置新名称,请运行以下命令: PowerShell set-ciminstance-inputobject$prv ...
The WMI Filter component allows you to use Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) rules. It contains two classes: MSFT_Rule, which defines a single rule within a scope of management, and MSFT_SomFilter, which provides a list of queries that are evaluated on a target device. The MSFT_SomFi...
Get-WMIObject -Namespace root\Subscription -Class CommandLineEventConsumer -Filter “Name=’Updater’” 重启目标机器 wmi后门成功建立连接 2个红色的之前的(无效) 2个绿色的新生成的(有效) 广告 内网安全「攻防入门」 作者ailx10 ¥9.99 去查看 那么问题来了,如何清除wmi后门呢? 很简单,管理员身份运...
Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users\administrator\Desktop" -Filter "*.lnk" | Select-Object Name, TargetPath 注:powershell 查询系统环境变量: Get-ChildItem Env: | Select-Object Name, Value 注:powershell 查询音频设备信息: wmic sounddev get name, status, manufacturer ...
It is important to note that these are examples and are not optimized by any means, they are there to provide the various options to filter policies from machines/users that match certain criteria. If you are looking to implement a WMI query, the first thing I would suggest is to ask ...
Get-WmiObject-Class win32_directory-Filter'name LIKE "%snapshots%"' 4 AV 产品 进行侦察的第一步是枚举哪种产品为系统提供安全性。WMI 在 root\SecurityCenter2 命名空间下提供了一个名为AntiVirusProduct的类,其中包含有关安装在系统上的 AV 的信息。在我机器上,它是默认的WindowsDefender。
WMI Filters is only available if at least one domain controller in the domain is running Microsoft Windows Server 2003. The same is true for WMI Filtering on the Scope tab for Group Policy objects . Importing a WMI filter creates a new filter instead of modifying an existing filter.Additional...