'Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem where NOT Manufacturer = "Microsoft Corporation" AND NOT Model = "Virtual Machine" The problem with the above filter is that it also breaks devices that are made by Microsoft (i.e. Surface devices) where i do want the policy to run I'm not sure why...
Frs-Computer-Reference Frs-Computer-Reference-BL FRS-Control-Data-Creation FRS-Control-Inbound-Backlog FRS-Control-輸出待辦專案 FRS-Directory-Filter FRS-DS-Poll FRS-Extensions FRS-Fault-Condition FRS-File-Filter FRS-Flags FRS 層級限制 FRS-Member-Reference FRS-Member-Reference-BL FRS-Partner-Auth-...
如果将 -ComputerName 或 -CIMSession 参数与 Get-CimInstance cmdlet 一起使用,并将生成的对象通过管道传递给 Invoke-CimMethod cmdlet,则在对象来自的所有计算机或会话上调用该方法。 例如,若要终止远程计算机上的进程,可以运行以下命令: PowerShell Get-CimInstance-ClassNameWin32_Process-Filter"Name=...
With the filter showing only the lines or operations that include "Win32_NTLogEvent", the results are:Expand table LevelSourceEvent IDDescription Information Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity 11 CorrelationId = {345E5566-0000-0000-0000-68343241D901}; GroupOperationId = 30641; OperationId = 30642; ...
("Link to the current games rating system in force for the computer"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string CurrentGamesRatingSystem; [read: ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("HTTP app filter exemption list"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string HTTPExemptionList[]; [read: ...
This utility was built to help validate whether or not a particular WMI filter applies to a particular computer (or user logged into that computer). The tool returns a list of WMI filters defined for a given domain, the GPOS they are linked to and the WMI query that is contained within ...
The following table lists a collection of WMI classes and queries that can be useful for hardware inventories.Hardware TypeWMIRemarks NamespaceClassFilter BIOS root/CIMV2 Win32_BIOS Bluetooth root/CIMV2 Win32_PnPEntity PNPClass='Bluetooth' CPU root/CIMV2 Win32_Processor Floppy Disk root/CIM...
namespace="root\cimv2"client= wmi.WMI(computer="Anec",namespace=namespace)#for sys in client.Win32_OperatingSystem():#print(sys.Caption) #Microsoft Windows 10 企业版#print(sys.CSName) #"HEQUN"#print(sys.InstallDate) #20200729154515.000000+480#print(sys.OSArchitecture) #64 位#print(sys....
首先是wmi使用者,比如脚本或者其他用到wmi接口的应用程序。由wmi使用者访问CIM对象管理器WinMgmt(即WMI服务),后者再访问CIM(公共信息模型Common Information Model)存储库。 静态或动态的信息(对象的属性)就保存在CIM库中,同时保存对象的方法。比如启动一个服务,通过执行对象的方法实现,实际上是通过COM技术调用各种dll,...
For example, to terminate a process on a remote computer, you can run the following command: PowerShell Copy Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process -Filter "Name='notepad.exe'" -Computername LON-DC1 | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Terminate Next unit: Knowledge check Previou...