With the filter showing only the lines or operations that include "Win32_NTLogEvent", the results are:Expand table LevelSourceEvent IDDescription Information Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity 11 CorrelationId = {345E5566-0000-0000-0000-68343241D901}; GroupOperationId = 30641; OperationId = 30642; ...
1) Select name from Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE name LIKE “%RH%” work fine 2) The tool WMI Filter validator by the GPOGUY is great too !! i almost got all i need ... Just two more questions : My client Windows 8.1 DON'T allow the "Windows Managment Instrumentation" port in h...
For example, to terminate a process on a remote computer, you can run the following command: PowerShell Copy Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process -Filter "Name='notepad.exe'" -Computername LON-DC1 | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Terminate Next unit: Knowledge check Previous ...
PS C:\windows\system32> Get-WmiObject -namespace "root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ReportServer\RS_MSSQLServer\v13\Admin" -class MSReportServer_ConfigurationSetting -ComputerName myrshost -filter "InstanceName='MSSQLSERVER'" 사용 가능한 메서드 및 속성 쿼리Repo...
The WMI Filter component allows you to use Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) rules. It contains two classes: MSFT_Rule, which defines a single rule within a scope of management, and MSFT_SomFilter, which provides a list of queries that are evaluated on a target device. The MSFT_SomFi...
PS C:\windows\system32> $rsconfig = Get-WmiObject -namespace "root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ReportServer\RS_MSSQLServer\v13\Admin" -class MSReportServer_ConfigurationSetting -ComputerName myrshost -filter "InstanceName='SHAREPOINT'" PS C:\windows\system32> $rsconfig.GetAdminSiteUrl() ...
SELECT Name FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Name LIKE "lon-pc%" You canuse the WMI Filter to apply GPO to the IP subnet. For example, to apply a policy to clients on multiple IP subnets: Select * FROM Win32_IP4RouteTable WHERE (Mask='' AND (Destination Like 10.1.1.%...
Enumeration of instances of a class type based on a filter. For examples of management application using the WMI Provider for Configuration Management, seeUsing WQL and Scripting Languages with the WMI Provider for Configuration Management. For more information about programming management applications usi...
IPFilterSecurityEnabled = FALSE; IPSecPermitIPProtocols = {}; IPSecPermitTCPPorts = {}; IPSecPermitUDPPorts = {}; IPSubnet = {"", "64"}; MACAddress = "18:60:24:8A:86:6C"; PMTUBHDetectEnabled = TRUE; PMTUDiscoveryEnabled = TRUE; ...
$Server=$env:computername#server's CPU Mem Hardinfor$cpu= gwmi –computername$Serverwin32_Processor$men= gwmi -ComputerName$Serverwin32_OperatingSystem$Disks= gwmi –Computer:$Serverwin32_logicaldisk -filter"drivetype=3"$Havecpu="{0:0.0} %"-f$cpu.LoadPercentage$Allmen="{0:0.0} MB"-f(...