你需要确保 GitHub CLI 的安装目录(通常是包含gh可执行文件的目录)被添加到了 PATH 中。 使用错误的 shell 或终端: 有时,你可能在 Windows 上使用了多个终端或 shell(例如 PowerShell、CMD、Git Bash 等)。确保你在正确的终端或 shell 中运行gh命令。如果你安装了 GitHub CLI,但只在另一个终端中添加了 PATH...
1.zip Whileusinggit-bash, you may need the zip command to zip files. Then you willgeterror like “command not found“. Thisisbecause git-bashisreally just a cut down version of mingw. Fortunately you can manually install the command yourself, not only zip, but any command you cangetfrom...
1.zip Whileusinggit-bash, you may need the zip command to zip files. Then you willgeterror like “command not found“. Thisisbecause git-bashisreally just a cut down version of mingw. Fortunately you can manually install the command yourself, not only zip, but any command you cangetfrom...
Windows中git bash完全可以替代原生的cmd,但是对于git bash会有一些Linux下广泛使用的命令的缺失,比如wget命令。 1、下载wget.exe,地址:https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/ 2、将wget.exe 拷贝到C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\ 下面
I'm using msysgit on Windows, whenever I install something i.e. Node.js or a package via NPM I always get command not found until the system is rebooted. Even closing git bash and reopening I have the same issue. I've set environment paths for npm and node: ...
$ git config --list user.name= "李老师" user.email=li@csdn.net color.status=auto color.branch=auto color.interactive=auto color.diff=auto ... 如下是我的git配置,和上面的目标文件展示不一致 $ git config --global user.name "李老师" bash: $: command not found Administrator@WIN-O379IL963...
tl;dr, In the book, can you consider telling Windows users to select "Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt" when installing Git? I believe it prevents the following headache. I ran into the error described here. My scenario: Windows 1...
我已经安装了 Anaconda 并将 Path 环境变量设置为 C:\Anaconda3; C:\Anaconda3\Scripts 。 然后我尝试在 Git Bash 中运行 conda install python 但是出现错误信息“bash: conda: command not found”。我想知道为什...
I am using git version 2.7.0.windows.1 on a windows pc, I used the following command: $ nano README which results me: bash: nano: command not found Now how can I install nano text editor to git bash? windows git git-bash nano Share Follow edited Mar 28, 2018 at 7:44 jmi...