1.zip Whileusinggit-bash, you may need the zip command to zip files. Then you willgeterror like “command not found“. Thisisbecause git-bashisreally just a cut down version of mingw. Fortunately you can manually install the command yourself, not only zip, but any command you cangetfrom...
Windows中git bash完全可以替代原生的cmd,但是对于git bash会有一些Linux下广泛使用的命令的缺失,比如wget命令。 1、下载wget.exe,地址:https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/ 2、将wget.exe 拷贝到C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\ 下面
你需要确保 GitHub CLI 的安装目录(通常是包含gh可执行文件的目录)被添加到了 PATH 中。 使用错误的 shell 或终端: 有时,你可能在 Windows 上使用了多个终端或 shell(例如 PowerShell、CMD、Git Bash 等)。确保你在正确的终端或 shell 中运行gh命令。如果你安装了 GitHub CLI,但只在另一个终端中添加了 PATH...
I confirmed that the “Use Git Bash as shell for Git projects” box in Tools > Global Options > Git/SVN was ticked. We actually removed that option from v1.1.383, as users found it confusing that the type of shell launched differed between Git projects and non-Git projects. Now, we a...
0、安装git,可以运行bash,应该是linux的powershell脚本 1、 参考https://juejin.cn/post/6844904051868450823 sh __git_ps1 command not found windows git-bash报错 2、说明 上面截图的bash.bashrc 目录是 E:\Program Files\Git\etc\bash.bashrc 上面截图的git-prompt.sh 目录是 ...
Hi, I'm using git version for Windows. I keep getting this problem in VS code: 'bash: code: command not found' when I type 'code' in the terminal. I'm trying to set up a server but I think this is why the port won't listen. Git ...
Mac电脑 出现这个问题,是因为当前可执行文件没有添加到path里面; 解决办法: 如果不想添加,这样使用...
既然 bash、zsh 不能支持\r\n, 为什么有人会下载到使用\r\n换行的文件呢?当然是因为 git 贴心地...
2:解压压缩包并把zip-3.0-bin.zip解压后的bin文件夹下的zip.exe文件和bzip2-1.0.5-bin.zip解压后的bin文件夹下的bzip2.dll文件统一放在本地git下载目录 Git/usr/bin目录下 3:重新试一下吧,发现zip命令完美执行! 另附原文官网链接(https://ranxing.wordpress.com/2016/12/13/add-zip-into-git-bash-on-w...
bash: line 51: pacman: command not found fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git basename: missing operand Try 'basename --help' for more information. fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git ...