针对您提出的“windows bash: make: command not found”问题,我将按照提供的tips逐一解答: 1. 确认用户环境是否已安装make工具 在Windows环境下,特别是当您在使用Bash(如Git Bash或Windows Subsystem for Linux, WSL)时,需要确认是否已安装make工具。默认情况下,Windows系统本身不自带make,但如果您已经安装了某些开...
1.zip Whileusinggit-bash, you may need the zip command to zip files. Then you willgeterror like “command not found“. Thisisbecause git-bashisreally just a cut down version of mingw. Fortunately you can manually install the command yourself, not only zip, but any command you cangetfrom...
I confirmed that the “Use Git Bash as shell for Git projects” box inTools > Global Options > Git/SVNwas ticked.Edit:This option is not in RStudio v1.1.383. My confusion. Name of the Rstudio git shell window wasMSYS, notcmd.exenorMINGW64, as you warned in the bookhere. ...
Windows中git bash完全可以替代原生的cmd,但是对于git bash会有一些Linux下广泛使用的命令的缺失,比如wget命令。 1、下载wget.exe,地址:https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/ 2、将wget.exe 拷贝到C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\ 下面
git clone https://...git 当你在 Windows 的 Git Bash 中遇到错误bash: gh: command not found时,这表示 Git Bash 无法识别gh命令。gh命令是 GitHub 命令行工具的一部分,它提供了从命令行与 GitHub 交互的便捷方式。 如果你看到这个错误,那么很可能是因为以下几个原因: 未安装 GitHub...
Upon typing the command "make deploy", an error message appears on the screen stating that the "make" command cannot be found in the bash. Is there a method to set up this in GitBash or some other Windows software, or do I require another tool for Windows?
0、安装git,可以运行bash,应该是linux的powershell脚本 1、 参考https://juejin.cn/post/6844904051868450823 sh __git_ps1 command not found windows git-bash报错 2、说明 上面截图的bash.bashrc 目录是 E:\Program Files\Git\etc\bash.bashrc 上面截图的git-prompt.sh 目录是 ...
Hi, I'm using git version for Windows. I keep getting this problem in VS code: 'bash: code: command not found' when I type 'code' in the terminal. I'm trying to set up a server but I think this is why the port won't listen. Git ...
在Windows下安装MinGW并使用make命令 官网下载软件:https://osdn.net/projects/mingw/releases/ 安装流程 这里先安装基础包(Basic Setup),三步骤: ?...三步骤截图 1:全部mark link 2:Installation 点击后,选中 apply 3: 点击Apply Changes 在线下载安装包。...下载了很长时间 配置环境变量 为了能在Git Bash命令...
windows中git出现bash: tree: command not found 下载tree.exe 解压后, 复制tree.exe到目录下 此时tree命令就可以使用了! [参考] git bash 报错bash: *: command not found