Windows中git bash完全可以替代原生的cmd,但是对于git bash会有一些Linux下广泛使用的命令的缺失,比如wget命令。 1、下载wget.exe,地址: 2、将wget.exe 拷贝到C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\ 下面
Windows操作系统并不自带wget命令,因此如果你直接在Windows的命令提示符(CMD)或PowerShell中运行wget,你会收到“command not found”的错误消息。 3. 提供在Windows上安装wget的方法一:通过安装Git for Windows Git for Windows不仅包含了Git版本控制系统,还附带了一些Unix风格的命令行工具,包括wget。你可以通过以下步骤...
1, download wget binary installation package, address: Unzip the installation package and copy wget. Exe to C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\; (or after unzipping add the path to wget.exefromthe unzipping file to the environment variable) Atthispoint,... Whileusinggit-bash, you may need the zip command to zip files. Then you willgeterror like “command not found“. Thisisbecause git-bashisreally just a cut down version of mingw. Fortunately you can manually install the command yourself, not only zip, but any command you cangetfrom...
但是wget 时提示 -bash:wget command not found,很明显没有安装wget软件包。一般linux最小化安装时,wget不会默认被安装。 可以通过以下两种方法来安装: 1、yum安装 yum -y install wget 1. 第一种方法比较简单快捷,这里就先说了,直接上代码即可,当然首先你要安装了yum,下面是yum是否安装的查询代码 ...
1、下载wget二进制安装包,地址: 2、解压安装包,将wget.exe 拷贝到C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\ 下面;(或者解压之后将解压文件中wget.exe的路径添加到环境变量中) 至此,完成安装; 在git bash中执行 wget验证即可,done; ...
在linux操作系统中,我们会经常要用到wget下载文件。wget非常稳定,它在带宽很窄的情况下和不稳定网络中有很强的适应性。 在linux中使用wget时,若报-bash:wget: command not found,则表明没有安装wget,需要安装,安装命令如下: yum -y install wget 安装完成即可以使用。
Installing wget in git for Windows SDK does not work anymore #4995 Open 1 task done Dirk1966 opened this issue Jun 4, 2024· 1 comment Comments Dirk1966 commented Jun 4, 2024 I was not able to find an open or closed issue matching what I'm seeing Setup Which version of Git...
Git- I used the Windows Git Bash. wget Java 8 - I used BellSoft Liberica JDK 8 Steps Create a directory somewhere on your machine that will be used as a container for both the RocksDB source code and that of its 3rd-party dependencies. On my mach...
id=Git.Git winget install -e --id=GnuWin32.Wget winget install -e --id=Google.Chrome winget install -e --id=IrfanSkiljan.IrfanView winget install -e --id=Lexikos.AutoHotkey winget install -e --id=Microsoft.PowerShell winget install -e --id=Microsoft.VisualStudioCode winget install -e ...