Creating a Socket Server Application Socket Server Creating a Socket Client Application Socket Client Creating a UDP Datagram Socket Application Creating an IP Multicast Application Determining if a Network Connection is Present Save Add to Collections ...
Socket Client (Windows CE 5.0) 项目 2012/09/14 Send FeedbackThe following code sample shows how to implement a Winsock client. It sends data to the server and gets the echoed data back from the server. This sample can be run on the same device with the Socket Server application. In ...
For portability 'connect_windows_socket' and 'connect_unix_socket' shouldn't be used directly and the wrapper function 'connect_socket' must be used instead. */ #ifdef _WIN32_WINNT #define connect_socket connect_windows_socket #else #define connect_socket connect_unix_socket #endif int socket...
client=accept(server,(SOCKADDR*)&addrClient,&len); //接收客户端连接 sprintf(sendBuf,"Welcome %s ", inet_ntoa(addrClient.sin_addr)); send(client,sendBuf,strlen(sendBuf)+1,0); //发送信息客户端 recv(client,recvBuf,100,0); //接收客户端数据 printf("%s\n",recvBuf); closesocket(client)...
while(true){// 4. 接收客户端连接 会建立一个新的套接字(他是客户端的标记)printf("4. 准备等待客户端到来\n");SOCKADDR_IN clientAddr={};intnAddrLen=sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN);SOCKET sockClient=accept(sockServer,(sockaddr*)&clientAddr,&nAddrLen);if(INVALID_SOCKET==sockClient){printf("接收客户端...
if(listen(slisten, 5) == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("listen error !"); return 0; } //循环接收数据 SOCKET sClient; sockaddr_in remoteAddr; int nAddrlen = sizeof(remoteAddr); char revData[255]; while (true) { printf("等待连接...\n"); ...
1、Socket(基类) 2、SocketServer(派生类) 3、SocketClient(派生类) 4、SocketSelect(友元) 这里的SocketSelect可以用来在多个Socket上进行Select调用,在Sockets构造函数中,他是protected权限。 当你编译这些文件的时候,请保证链接Ws2_32.lib库。 回到头文件、执行文件、测试程序和Echo服务器,这里同样也有一个Proxy服务...
客户端代码 client.cpp: 将server.cpp 和 client.cpp 分别编译为 server.exe 和 client.exe,先运行 server.exe,再运行 client.exe,输出结果为: Message form server: Hello World! Windows 下的 socket 程序和 Linux 思路相同,但细节有所差别: 1) Windows 下的 socket 程序依赖 Winsock.dll 或 ws2_32.dll...
classUserInfo{public:boolisLogin=false;// 是否登录std::string userName;// 用户名SOCKET clientSock;// 客户端套接字UserInfo(boolisLogin,std::string userName,SOCKET clientSock):isLogin(isLogin),userName(userName),clientSock(clientSock){}}; ...
SOCKET sClient; sockaddr_in remoteAddr; int nAddrlen = sizeof(remoteAddr); char revData[255]; while (true) { printf("等待连接...\n"); sClient = accept(slisten, (SOCKADDR *)&remoteAddr, &nAddrlen); if(sClient == INVALID_SOCKET) ...