intmain(intargc,char* argv[]) intmain() int_tmain(intargc, TCHAR * argv[]) int_tmain() intwmain(intargc,wchar_t* argv[]) intwmain() For windows application: intWINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, intnShowCmd ) if you using wrong entry signat...
// creates socket //sockfd = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol); sockfd = socket(AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , IPPROTO_TCP); if (sockfd < 0) { perror("Error opening socket"); exit(-1); } else { printf("creates socket:%d\n", sockfd); } // makes connect...
For information on Windows Sockets, including an explanation of the socket concept, see Windows Sockets: Background.Sockets Programming ModelsThe two MFC Windows Sockets programming models are supported by the following classes:CAsyncSocket This class encapsulates the Windows Sockets API. CAsyncSocket is ...
before the .NET, network programming is based on theWinsock/Winsock2that uses the C codes (standard C + Microsoft extension for C). Winsock 1 is based on theBerkeley Socket. The Winsock2 codes contains theWin32
8. Windows Socket 编程 9. Windows 读写文件技术(像 CreateFile、WriteFile、GetFileSize 等这些API应该熟练掌握、内存映射技术) 当然很多必备的技术也不好归类到 Windows 技术下面,比如 Socket 编程,这涉及到很多网络的知识,例如 TCP 的三次握手、数据的收发等,还有就是各种字符编码的知识以及之间的相互转换,又比...
} } void Socket::SendLine(std::string s) { s += '\n'; send(s_,s.c_str(),s.length(),0); } void Socket::SendBytes(const std::string& s) { send(s_,s.c_str(),s.length(),0); } SocketServer::SocketServer(int port, int connections, TypeSocket type) { sockaddr_in sa; ...
(1); }Socket编程库文件WinSock的初始化示例: C服务器(TCP) /* build address data structure */ memset((char *)sin, 0, sizeof(sin)); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; sin.sin_port = htons(SERVER_PORT); /* setup passive open */ if ((s = socket(PF...
General Programming ... Hi, I am writing my Master Thesis and should make a Socket -programm in c++ on windows . I have to finish this program within 2 weeks but i dont have any idea about c++ ... socket programming for windows in C. This is a discussion on socket programming for ...
Here, I present the source code for a socket class that faciliates using Sockets in Windows Programming. This socket class is being used for BROADCAST chat client. These are actually four classes: Socket (the base class) from which SocketServer and SocketClient are derived. Also, there is So...
( ) / / 处理连接线程 即新线程 的 1nitInstance 函数 , BOO CSockThread : :1nitInstance () { / / 把这个套接字句柄附加到新的套接字对象上 , / / 这样主线程的通知函数就能发送到新线程中 ,在新线程中处理 ( ) m socket. Attach m-hSocket ; return TRUE : } 通过以上步骤 ,我们就可以...