If your use case does not contain CPU-intensive operations, nor accesses blocking resources, you can exploit the benefits of Node.js and enjoy fast and scalable network applications. Welcome to the real-time web.
Oh how we need more and more companies to step up and allow Christ to be known and seen within their walls and within their employees. Unity and Love in Christ and Christ alone. Praise be to the Lord God for His leading of my heart to share what I am feeling this day. My heart is...
Unity (also on Templar follower obviously) Legendary gems: Gogok of Swiftness, Taeguk, and Mirinae Teardrop of the Starweaver! (yes, not kidding, it slams for SO much damage over and over and provides healing) So in case you haven’t guessed, all this build does for attacking is ...
How does java help with these two problems—vendor dependency and hard to find programmers? All of the interfacing problems listed above can be addressed directly in the Java pro- gramming language, using mainstream technologies that are free. Java gives us a path back to portability. Granted,...
But as a fresh graduated programmer, compare first time between using Android Studio vs Xcode, unity or any other platform, Xcode is just the worst nightmare I could imagine I will ever deal with. Aub 4 years ago 2020 Xcode sucks more than ever before. It still can't even sort its ...
The speech was infused with a set of ideas but not really ideology:unity, self-governance, the virtues of collective action in the face of a common threat and — most of all — moving on from loss: “While it was different for everyone, we all lost something— a collective suffering...
There is some software stuff as well mixed up in the whole thing but thats more a unity problem than a tarkov problem. Hackers are in pretty much every game ever the more competitive the more of them there are. Its just that currently there is no quick and easy recourse for someone who...
The mystery of the Christian Trinity is expressed in the Athanasian Creed: we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in unity; neither confounding the Persons, nor dividing the substance. Trying to depict this triune nature without leaving oneself open to attacks of polytheism was ...
Unity and Gnome Shell was not intended to be a touch interfaces when they arrived on the desktop. I don’t understand where that rumour comes from. I don’t see it at all. And particularly wrt Unity; why would it be so very good at keyboard control if it was primarily intended to us...
This does not occur with the Intel HD4000.This is one perfect example of why "open" trumps "closed". The nVidia drivers are proprietary (closed) while the Intel HD drivers are open. The difference between running a Linux (well, the Unity) desktop on both is like night and day. Every...