'When You Are Old' is directed toward one young person, presumably a woman if read in the light of Yeats' biographical details (though a reader could apply the sentiments expressed in the poem to a man). I have made an assumption that Maud Gonne is the person about whom Yeats wrot...
When Y ou Are Old (1893)William Butler Y eats When you are old and gray and full of sleep And nodding by the fire, take down this book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Y our eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your moments of glad grace,And loved...
The poem, “When You Are Old” appears to be a simple love poem on first reading. After careful analysis, however, we realize that Yeats has created a small autobiography without ever using the first person singular. Through word choice and strategic punctuation and alliteration he has slowed ...
Stylistic_analysis_of_When_You_Are_Old当你年老时文体学分析 热度: ABriefIntroductionofthePoem WhenYouAreOldisoneofthemostfamouspoemsoftheIrishpoetWilliamButler Yeats,anditpublishedinhis1893collectionTheRose.YeatsmetMaudeGonnein1888 anddevelopedadeepaffectionwithherbeautyandoutspokenmanner.Butunfortunately, ...
Thispoemwaswrittenin1897byYeats.ThepoetdeclaredloveforMaudGonnemanytimes,buthenevergetherresponse.SoYeatswrotethispoemtoimagineshecouldrealizethatheistheonewholovesherforeverwhenthewomanreadthispoembychancemanyyearslater.MaudGonne In1889,YeatsmetMaudGonne,a23-year-oldheiressandardentNationalist,whowastohaunthim...
---ABriefAnalysisofYeat---ABriefAnalysisofYeat---ABriefAnalysisofYeat---ABriefAnalysisofYeat’’’sPoemsPoemsPoemsPoem WhenYouAreOldWhenYouAreOldWhenYouAreOldWhenYouAreOld WilliamWilliamWilliamButlerButlerButlerYeatsYeatsYeatsisisisgenerallygenerallygenerallyacknowledgedacknowledgedacknowledgedasasasthethethegreat...
---A Brief Analysis of Yeat’s PoemWhen You Are Old William ButlerYeatsis generally acknowledged as the greatest poetand dramatistofIreland.Written in 1839, the early work “When you are old”, is a small verse dedicated to the woman Yeats beloved.In 1889, the 24-year-old Yeats encountere...
1、最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容> 原发布者:陈路Evelyn WhenYouAreOld——WilliamButlerYeats(Ireland)•Thispoemwaswrittenin1893anddedicatedtoMaudGonne,thewomanwhomhehadlovedforallofhislife.••••••••Whenyouareoldand...
Background of the Poem Introduction to Yeats When You Are Old ---WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS When you are old and gray and full of sleep And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; How many love...
这四句歌词是水木年华那首《一生有你》中最引起共鸣的句子,和诺贝尔文学奖得主爱尔兰诗人叶芝(William Butler Yeats)的When You Are Old中的诗句非常相似。 When You Are Old When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of...