24. 依据原作中两处“ ; ”号,依据原作中唯一“ 。”号,依据原作中诸多 and(那时/当时妳 ... ...)贯穿全文,至小诗首尾相扣,递进给力,脱颖、升华主题宗旨,故,诗题 When you are old 译作:“那时妳老了 ” 为宜,更契合原作潜台词——予读者更广阔认知空间 25. 原文第二段中But作用不可小觑,彰显其前...
'When You Are Old' is directed toward one young person, presumably a woman if read in the light of Yeats' biographical details (though a reader could apply the sentiments expressed in the poem to a man). I have made an assumption that Maud Gonne is the person about whom Yeats w...
WHEN YOU ARE OLD诗评中译英首先我们来看一下W.B.Yeats这位诗人.这位爱尔兰诗人出生于1865年,卒于1939年,于1923年获得诺贝尔文学奖.他被认为是20世纪最伟大的诗人之一,他早期的诗作具有浪漫主意风格,善于创造氛围.晚年的叶芝在经受了爱尔兰民族主义运动的洗礼后,创作风格发生了很大的变化,更趋向于现代主义了.而叶...
William Butler Y eats When you are old and gray and full of sleep And nodding by the fire, take down this book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Y our eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your moments of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love ...
网上可见叶芝When You Are Old《当你老了》的八种(或更多)译文。 我的翻译版本 当你老了 By William Butler Yeats; 中文翻译:文心交 当你老了,头发花白,睡意沉沉, 在炉火旁打盹,取下这书卷, 慢慢翻阅,遥想当年的柔美眼神 与暮年深深的黑眼圈【1】。
When You Are Old—analysis Since this is a love poem, what makes it different from other one million poems of different ages that share the same theme? My understanding is that the structure is well organized, the symbols are unique and the theme is deep and profound. “When You Are Old...
influenceonYeats’laterlifeandhispoetry.WhenYouAreOldisjustoneofthepoems whichYeatsexpressedhisunchanginglovetoher. AnalysisofthePoem Basically,WhenYouAreOldiswritteniniambicpentameter.However,inseverallines therearesomefeetdoesn’tweakenorstress,andthisarrangementgivessomechangesto ...
这份痴情不属于谁,不狭隘地为谁。Maud Gonne只是Yeats给自己这份深情找的一个具象的对象。而遭受拒绝正是Yeats想要的结果,聪慧如Maud Gonne,或许早已发现Yeats投入去爱的那个人并非自己,所以才会”配合”着他拒绝吧。 而这首When You are old 暗示颇多,对诗人的措辞需要非常仔细地观察。我会highlight那些重点。
Whenyouareold ---WilliamButlerYeats -12090414潘丹丹 WilliamButlerYeats YeatswasanIrishpoetandplaywright.HewasthegreatestlyricpoetIrelandhasproducedandoneofthemajorfiguresof20th-centuryliterature,theacknowledgedleaderoftheIrishliteraryrenaissance.Yeats’earlypoetrywasundertheinfluenceoftheromanticpoets,buthisIrishtheme...