Dr. Jennifer Caudle, an osteopathic family physician near Philadelphia and an associate professor at the Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine, will often hear patients say things such as, “I’m just not feeling myself,”“I’m irritable” or “I’m annoyed.” That’s...
The problem is that if you do this, you may get a headache or your stomach may hurt. In fact, it's not good to hide your anger, and it's normal for you to get angry sometimes. But anger must be let out in the right way, without hurting others or yourself. When yo...
I apologize for hurting their feelings, calmly explain my perspective, then we work together towards a resolution. I beg them not to hate me – seriously, I'll do whatever it takes! I can't handle the thought of losing them. I tell them I can't take their drama, then I grab my ja...
12. Do we have the same spirit as Aron spirit (n. 勇气;意志)→spirits (pl.) 【一词多义】 1) His spirit encourages many people to try to achieve their dreams. (n. 精神) 2) The ancients believed that peach branches could drive away evil spirits. (n. 灵魂) 3) When you face diffic...
You feel like hurting yourself or someone else. You have shortness of breath, chest pain, or a fast heartbeat.When should I seek immediate care?You feel that you cannot cope with the abuse, or your recovery from it.When should I call my doctor?You cannot get to your next office visit...
Someone might develop an intense fear of accidentallytaking too much medication. They might think,What if I took the wrong dose and harmed myself? What if I miscount my pills by mistake? A person feeling angry may experience an intrusive urge to hurt their spouse. They might wonder,“What...
If your child has been caught destroying property, speaking rudely or obscenely, or hurting someone at school, as a parent, you need to deal with that very strongly. Find out the facts and then let your child know very clearly that there are consequences at home for that kind of behav...
What can I do to protect myself and my unborn baby?Create a safety plan: Prepare a bag with clothes, money, and important papers in case you need to leave your house quickly. Hide an extra set of house and car keys. Have a secret way to let your family or friends know you need ...
I would then say that food can be your ally, not your enemy. During my divorce, I realized that breakups in general can go one of three ways. Ben and Jerry’s, Sauteed Kale, or it’s happy hour all day. I allowed myself all three, but only when I was in a good headspace. ...
aIf only I knew what I konw today,I would hold you in my arms and take the pain away. Thank you for allyou've done.There's nothing I wouldn't do to hear your voice again.I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do,and I've hurt myself by hurting you. 但愿...