There's always something else that could beincluded in this list, but 10 gets you thinking. Wego through life making small mistake after smallmistake and nothing happens, until we happen to get the wrong alignment of small mistakes and we now have an accident...
Try to identify your current understanding by writing out your perceptions.This may be things that you think you are good at doing, or that you need to improve.The key here is to understand what makes you tick,but NOT worry about comparing yourself to others. Think about things you are pr...
In the past, newwaysof doing things online have not displaced the oldwaysentirely. 出自-2013年12月阅读原文 The era of personal technology is in manywaysjust beginning. 出自-2012年12月阅读原文 As part of its 30Waysin 30 Days program, It's asking communities across the country to help the...
How can we take care of our very precious heart so that we can open ourselves up to love but not be destroyed if our love isn’t reciprocated? 5 Ways to Protect Your Heart and Allow Yourself to Love AgainHere are five ways to protect your heart, so that you learn to love and ...
List your priorities and decide what's improving your life and what's not, and swap in meditation for something that isn’t helping you. Next:Don’t judge yourself. 7/12 Credit Don’t judge yourself. The mind’s natural tendency is to wander, and when that happens, "let go of self-...
This story shows that bringing your full self to work requires nuance. True connection doesn’t come from prying or oversharing—it comes from honoring yourself and respecting others’ boundaries. And if “your truth” means someone feels hurt or pressured, you might ...
That cup of coffee this morning. The bed you woke up in. That beautiful butterfly you saw on your walk. What about your ability to walk? Not everyone has that capability. We overlook the simple things in life and take other things for granted. Don’t!
You may not always understand what led to your injuries in the first place.Even if you don’t know why you hurt yourself, there are ways to get help. You can also get help to recognize if your partner is self-harming. Signs your partner might be self-harming ...
Information and education are powerful. When people have the facts, they can make better decisions. When peoplelearnabout other cultures, they do not feel threatened by them. Education helps people to understand the world and other people better. ...
There’s no need to sign up for high-priced fraud protection. In the panic of the moment, you might be tempted to shell out hundreds of dollars per year forcredit monitoring services. But that's not necessary. You can monitor your own accounts by closely reviewing the information that you...