For example, you could have 3 subscribers on the topic and no publisher. In this case, well, it’s still working, but the subscribers will just receive no data. If you have 2 publishers on the topic, and no subscriber, the data is just sent and no one receives it. Another combination...
To say I’m excited about the new direction my business has taken in the last few years is an understatement. It’s really not just a business to me – it’s a mission. If you’re a subscriber to Connection Agent, just click here to subscribe to the new feed. Bonus –you can also...
The ROS API is the list of ROS topics, services, action servers, and messages that a given robot is providing to give access to its hardware, that is, sensors and actuators. If you are not familiar with ROS, you may not understand what those terms mean. But simply put in the developer...
One of the most significant demographic challenges over the past three decades has been the substantial reduction in fertility rates, worldwidely. As a developing country, Iran has also experienced a rapid decline in fertility over the past decades. Unde
frozen_darknet_yolov4_model.bin"; const std::string modelXml = "/home/mazzadom/vehicle/src/perception/camera/yolov4-openvino/frozen_darknet_yolov4_model.xml"; class YoloV4OpenVINO { ros::NodeHandle mNh; image_transport::ImageTransport it; image_transport::Subscri...
This article does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., the publisher of Bloomberg Law and Bloomberg Tax, or its owners. Write for Us: Author Guidelines Author Information Nigel Telmanleads Proskauer’s employment practice and is co-head of the Employmen...
(1) which variables drive arthropod communities in beech forests, (2) are species richness and community composition driven by the same variables, (3) is species richness correlated between species groups, and (4) which arthropod groups may be suitable for a general trend or targeted monitoring ...
frozen_darknet_yolov4_model.bin"; const std::string modelXml = "/home/mazzadom/vehicle/src/perception/camera/yolov4-openvino/frozen_darknet_yolov4_model.xml"; class YoloV4OpenVINO { ros::NodeHandle mNh; image_transport::ImageTransport it; image_transport::Subsc...
frozen_darknet_yolov4_model.bin"; const std::string modelXml = "/home/mazzadom/vehicle/src/perception/camera/yolov4-openvino/frozen_darknet_yolov4_model.xml"; class YoloV4OpenVINO { ros::NodeHandle mNh; image_transport::ImageTransport it; image_transp...
{ros::NodeHandle mNh;image_transport::ImageTransport it;image_transport::Subscriber sub;ros::Publisher test_pub=mNh.advertise<std_msgs::String>("test_pub",1000);InferenceEngine::Core core;InferenceEngine::CNNNetwork network;InferenceEngine::ExecutableNetwork executable_net...