The argument is that the male gaze controls the narrative, which is that women are not equal actors in the world. Instead, their agency is reduced to that of an erotic or supporting object, with their value as a female form (and person) reduced to how it appeals to the male viewer and...
What is post-feminism? What is decolonial feminism? What is domestic feminism? What is global feminism? What is academic feminism? What is post-structuralist feminism? What is power feminism? What is liberal feminism? What is intersectional feminism?
Healthcare providers’ attitude when dealing with young people seeking SRHS is influenced by multiple social dimensions, which reinforce discrimination and marginalisation. Policy Implications Policies that promote the provision of YFSRHS should consider the intersectional factors which trigger negative attitu...
Radical feminism was progressive for its peak, but the movement lacks an intersectional lens, as it views gender as the most important axis of oppression. Like many feminist movements before and after it, it was dominated by white women and lacked a racial justice lens. Since Kimberlé Crenshaw...
“right to have children” through what I thought was an intersectional lens, but did not include infertility. Like so many of us, the personal becomes political. Since experiencing infertility, I have provided workshops for people who have experienced reproductive loss and infertility. I have ...
The final chapter in this part, written by Nadh and Bhan, takes us back to Bengaluru in India where intersectional disadvantages resulting from inaccessible healthcare infrastructure and other aspects of social life in a low-income neighborhood are 1 What is an Inclusive City? 9 observed in ...
She describes intersectional feminism as “a prism for seeing the way in which various forms of inequality often operate together and exacerbate each other”. Essentially, not all inequality is equally bad. You can learn more about Crenshaw’s arguments in ourintersectionality open step. ...
Conclusions/Recommendations: Through an intersectional lens of critique directed toward all forms of cultural texts, educators can resist the normative conceptions that can orient their praxis in schools and society. Attention to how stereotypical narratives in film and education leave out a range of ...
Abortion has always been an issue that sparks a fire in me. I’ve written numerous times aboutbodily autonomyandthe policing of bodiesand abortion, but I’m glad that the political discourse around abortion, at least in my circles, has finally started to beintersectional(almost) all the time...
“dialogue of knowledges” is much more intersectional than what STS usually takes as dialogue. It foregrounds epistemological pluralism in which the “literate” and “peasant” knowledge are seen as equals (Costa et al.2000). It also foregrounds the intersectionality between indigenous knowledge, ...