Applying an intersectionality lens to education policy and practice for emergent bilingualsdoi:10.1080/15235882.2020.1896310OrtizFránquizLaraBilingual Research Journal
According toUS News and World Report(2014), women in the USA are surpassing men in earning bachelor’s degrees as well as graduate degrees. Women are also making gains in fields traditionally dominated by men. The same report notes that, “Today, women in their early 30s are just as likely...
The Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) is one of the most commonly used frameworks for this purpose. When applying the TDF, it is critical to understand the context in which behaviours occur. Intersectionality, which accounts for the interface between social identity factors (e.g. age, gender)...
thus fulfilling one of the main reasons why “the theatre … [is] an appropriate medium for the children in their learning process [because of] the element of freedom that it provides to the children to imagine” (Praveen and Devi 2, 2016). ...
This study conducted in western Kenya demonstrates how a gendered intersectionality lens can be used to explore how and the extent to which farming communities are coping with climate change. Results from a quantitative survey undertaken with 51 farmers
Intersectionality of Disabled People through a Disability Studies, Ability-Based Studies, and Intersectional Pedagogy Lens: A Survey and a Scoping Review Disabled people face many social problems in their lives, as outlined by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. These problem...
Ten students from Reception and 21 Year 4 student participants identified eight elements as enablers of developing an inclusive school community within, and through, social practices demonstrating the role of architecture in inclusive education: can go to the office when we get hurt, quiet and calm...
2. Behavioural factors in critical accounting: a gender lens in retirement savings 3. Intersectionality in accounting: Transforming the masculine Anglo-Saxon view 4. Theorisation of retirement savings 5. Research approach and method 6. The spoken words of Black amaXhosa women 7. Conclusion and disc...
1.1 Intersectionality Framework and Children’s Health The intersectionality framework provides a means of understanding disparities in children’s health and well-being. This framework pays particular attention to the ways in which multiple social group memberships within a specific socio-cultural and hist...
Future work in nursing higher education, especially regarding supportive interventions, needs to address the intersections of gender, gender identity/sexual orientation and foreign-born status, and also consider the complexity of migrant students’ contexts. ...