The article not only sets out the thesis of intersectionality, but calls for the adoption of an intersectional lens in inclusive education in order to identify the interaction of multiple factors that lead to discriminatory processes in schools towards different student groups. Inclusive education means...
In response, this book considers the inequalities of intersectionality and how visual arts education, in particular within higher education, can be more inclusive. But can visual arts education really 'include all'? This book has some thought-provoking suggestions around re-framing and re-considering...
particularly in the work of feminist scholar and lawyer Kimberlé W. Crenshaw. Intersectional approaches aim to highlight the interconnectedness of gender and sexuality with other social categories, such as race, class, age, and ability to look at how individuals...
The better we understand these intersections, the more equipped we are to mitigate oppressive power structures and create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace for our peers. Below, we take a closer look at intersectionality’s origins, how it has evolved to fit our modern world,...
Inclusive education and critical pedagogy at the intersections of disability, race, gender and class transcending traditional constructions and arbitrations of the "ideal student", embodied in Western-centric and neoliberal constructions of pedagogical discourse... A Liasidou - 《Journal for Critical Edu...
Lingard, B. and Mills, M. 2007. Pedagogies making a difference. Issues of social justice and inclusion,International Journal of Inclusive Education,11(3) Ludvig, Alice. ‘Differences Between Women? Intersecting Voices in a Female Narrative.’European Journal of Women's Studies13.3 (2006) ...
Instead of reporting the number of individuals in the study by gender (eg, male, female, non-binary), researchers can report gender sensitive indicators, for example, the proportion of male, female, and non-binary individuals disaggregated by income, education, and race or ethnicity. Researchers...
integral actors for institutions. All of these groups have important experiences we must consider if we aim to create a more equitable and inclusive environment for people to live, work and study … In the end, using a more intersectional lens for higher education shows how inequality is as...
The added value of this paper lies in combining the Capability Approach (Sen 1999, 2009; Nussbaum 2000, 2012; Alkire, 2007) and the theoretical tool of intersectionality (Crenshaw 1991, Phoenix 2009) to analyse the concept of 'inclusive and equitable quality education'. By embracing the notion...
The article sheds light on discrimination that denies basic education to Rohingya refugee children currently living in the unregistered Kutupalong refugee