To mark the overlap of Pride month and Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller history month, we asked three people how people can be better allies and support LGBT+ travellers
When you’re in a position of privilege, it’s important to realize that not everyone has the same opportunities or access as you do. That said, Saung notes that it’s less about helping those with less privilege than you and more about understanding how all of our systems—gender included...
It is only when organisations look across the intersection of these core technology trends that things start to get interesting. By applying the right thinking and looking to challenge traditional business models and processes, the value of the intersectional impact of technology on business really shi...
So, ultimately, what does it mean to be a “Black filmmaker” or a filmmaker who happens to be Black in 2022? How important is the distinction? IndieWire asked four of our favorite filmmakers to weigh in: Radha Blank (“The Forty-Year-Old Version”), Numa Perrier (“Jezebel”), Nikyat...
What does cultural hegemony mean? What is the Black Muslim movement? Who was Mary Wollstonecraft? What does it mean if a society is matrilineal? What is a patrilineal family? What is cultural analysis? What is product semantics? What does Antigone do that is against Greek gender roles?
Free access to powerful generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in schools has left educators and system leaders grappling with how to responsibly respond
Luke is going to alienate some who might otherwise be her biggest fans. There’s a delicate balance to be found here, one that I’m not sure has ever really been achieved. What would it mean for a trans pop star to serve their community while still creating a politics-free space for ...
2021). As work in critical dataset studies (Thylstrup 2022) has shown, datasets “form a foundational element of machine learning cultures” (656): training data not only shapes model performance, it also reproduces epistemic assumptions about what does and does not count as valid knowledge. ...
[…] The volume itself is divided into 4 thematic parts. Part 1 focuses on intersectional models of inclusion; Part 2 details possible institutional pathways to achieve more inclusion in linguistics; Part 3 is devoted to some of the resources available to teachers and lecturers to build more ...
Writer Nadine Drummond reflects on the beauty and hope in Kamala Harris’s win of the 2020 vice presidential election.