Sterzing, P.R., Gartner, R.E., Woodford, M.R., & Fisher, C.M. (2017). Sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity microaggressions: Toward an intersectional framework for social work research. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 1-2, 81-94....
Again, this emphasizes heterosexuality should be given a more critical lens as to why an advantaged social and political status (i.e., heterosexuality) can lead to lower utilization of necessary preventative care, and especially for black adults this identity is not as protective for vaccinating ...
2. Strengthen insights through an intersectional lens to understand the baseline and where the pain points lie The specific needs of diverse workers, including BBP women, can get obscured by those of broader categories, such as BAME17or women. Many organizations will have to adjust their approache...
Therefore, more social stratifiers should be added to the HMIS recording and reporting forms, followed by incorporating intersectional gender lens while analysing and reporting the HMIS data. Such context highlights the complexity of addressing gender and social inclusion issues within the health sector ...
We propose definitions of fairness in machine learning and artificial intelligence systems that are informed by the framework of intersectionality, a critical lens from the legal, social science, and humanities literature which analyzes how interlocking
First, I viewed my work through the lens of my personal and professional commitment to social justice. The participatory design research (Bang & Vossoughi, 2016) approach to this work was core to these commitments, informing the ways I sought to interact with the students in the design process...
IE empowers + equips teams to gain a deeper understanding of environmental justice with the tools they need to apply an intersectional lens to their work. Media Partnerships We partner with aligned teams to create meaningful environmental justice media resources at the intersection of education, cultu...
To an editor of her caliber, one who uses her social media to promote her work and communicate with fans or other writers, the response to credible claims of racism against someone she is professionally platforming should not be blocking. That behavior does not encourage the sort of environment...
Hence, assessing the social implications of the perpetual persistence of ‘Man box’ culture through the intersectionality lens has the most likelihood of unraveling new aspects and dynamics of gender relations in Bangladesh. Although women in Bangladesh have made considerable progress in attaining social...
(e.g., cisnormativity, racism) shape inequities and community-led strategies for social justice-oriented change. Through an intersectional lens, this study sought to understand the challenges to health and wellbeing faced by trans women of color in Detroit and to identify community-generated ...