If you’re a more seasoned lifter, chances are you can knock out many bodyweight pull-ups. Perhaps you even max out the lat pulldown machine. In both cases, the weighted-pull will most likely be your best bet to further improve your muscle development. There are several ways to increase...
It was developed by Gingold and Monaghan (1 分享21 直线健身吧 skysky323232 求大哥们帮忙看看计划Workout 1 Squat(深蹲)5x5 Amrap Bench Press (卧推)5x5 Amrap Bent Over Row(俯身划船)5x5 Dips-Bodyweight or weighted 3x10/5x5 坐姿屈臂撑 Chin-ups or Pull ups 3x10/5x5( Close grip v lat ...