While you can use chains or a weighted vest, the pull-up is typicallyused with your bodyweightmaking these very convenient (4). The lat pulldown allows you to adjust weight accordingly to your strength so you can work to adjust and watch your strength increase as the weight goes up, maki...
for example. Lat pulldowns are not really that complicated, and even a newbie should be able to pick them up quickly. While it can be gratifying to learn a new exercise, it’s also nice to be able to get to grips with one after just a few minutes of use. ...
Lat Pulldown即高位下拉,是一种常见的力量训练动作,主要锻炼背部肌肉群,特别是背阔肌。 Lat Pulldown:全面解析这一高效背部训练动作 一、Lat Pulldown的基本定义与动作描述 Lat Pulldown,中文常译作“高位下拉”,是健身领域中一种极为流行的力量训练动作。该动作主要在高拉力器(或称为高滑...
How to do Lat Pulldown: Step 1:Place your knees under the provided pads. Position the pads so that your thighs are not able to raise up off the bench. Step 2:Grasp the lat bar with a little wider than shoulder-width grip. This is the starting position. ...
英吉多RELAX 坐姿下斜推胸训练器 LAT PULL DOWN PL1006 商用健身器 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 更多商品信息 上翻下翻 中体世嘉运动户外专营店 店铺星级 商品评价4.5 高 物流履约5.0 高 售后服务4.0 低
She'll break down how to do the lat pulldown with correct form, benefits of the lat pulldown, common mistakes and variations. Meet the expert: Alice-Rose Miller is a PT, strength coach and weightlifter. She was named 2023 Les Mills AKL City PT of the Year. ...
1. 拉背机(Lat pulldown machine)这是一个多功能的训练器械,可以用于锻炼背部肌肉。该机器通常配备调节杠杆和坐垫,让用户可以根据自己的身高和需求来调整座位的高度。通过拉动杠杆向下,可以有效地锻炼背阔肌和大圆肌。2. 坐姿划船机(Seated row machine)这个机器可以帮助锻炼背部的中斜方肌和棘下肌。使用坐姿划船...
position, sit on the bench, placing your thighs under the support pad, and grasp the handle with both hands. Continue the exercise with proper form by pulling down the handle to your upper chest, while keeping your back straight. Slowly return the handle up by extending your arms and ...
英吉多RELAX 坐姿下拉训练器 Lat Pulldown PC2013 商用健身器 健身房 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 -+ 加入购物车 更多商品信息 上翻下翻 中体世嘉运动户外专营店 店铺星级 商品评价4.5 高 物流履约5.0 高
The Effect of Grip Width and Hand Orientation on Muscle Activity During Pull-ups and the Lat Pull-down. Journal Strength conditioning research 2013, 35, 1.Leslie, K.L.M., & Comfort, P. The effect of grip width and hand orientation on muscle activity during pull-ups and the lat pu...