In this Torah portion, Moses describes the Covenant between God and the Israelites, and sets before them a choice. Hear more in this week’s animated short about the Torah portion. Dahlia Lithwick writes about the courts and the law for Slate and hosts the podcast Amicus. Her work has app...
Camels in Chayei Sarah: Torah Craft for KidsBy Emily Shapiro Katz Are you a Jewish educator or parent looking for fun ways to engage kids in the weekly Torah portion? Our video brings Chayei Sarah to life in a DIY craft project all about the parsha’s key character: the camel. Learn ...
Happiness: an option or requirement?(Weekly Torah Portion)Korff, Y.A
Weekly Torah portion 添加到生词本 用户正在搜索 daminozide,damkjernite,dammadienone,Dammam,dammar,dammara,dammarane,dammed-up,dammer,damming, 相似单词 3G,401(K),a, 用户正在搜索 damnify,damning,damningly,damningness,damnous,damnum,damnyankee,Damoclean,Damocles,damoiselle,...
Truth and consequences.(Weekly Torah Portion)Korff, Y.A
Essays and Divrei Torah on Matot-Masei - מטות-מסעי, integrating Historical and Contextual approaches. | Torah portion- Numbers 30:2–36:13 - Haftarah- Jeremiah 2:4–28; 3:4
Essays and Divrei Torah on Vayigash - ויגש, integrating Historical and Contextual approaches. | Torah portion- Genesis 44:18-47:27 - Haftarah- Ezekiel 37:15-28
Abraham was even thrown into the "fiery furnace." Yet the Written Torah completely ignores these incidents. Rather, we are introduced to Abraham in this week's Torah portion, Lech Lecha when Abraham receives the command from G-d at the age of 75: "Go out (Lech lecha) from your country...
barbaric people for enslaving the Jewish people. However, they actually had a belief system and a set of laws. Even in their attempt to subjugate the Jews, they still had to conform to the system of law they believed in. Let’s take a look at the Torah and see what that could have ...
The Heart of the Torah: Essays on the Weekly Torah PortionQUARTERLY, JEWISH BIBLEJewish Bible Quarterly Dor le Dor