In practice, the last portion of the Book of Deuteronomy is read during the morning service, which is immediately followed by the beginning of the Book of Genesis. Many synagogues in the UK hold parties or celebratory events after the Simchat Torah service. Hakafot and the Torah's Feet ...
Every week, Jews read a portion (parsha or sidra in Hebrew) from the Torah, and no matter which schedule we follow, we all finish and begin again on Simchat Torah. The moment the reader chants the last word of Deuteronomy and then the first word of Genesis is one of the highlights ...
We learn about God’s sacred space in this week’s Torah portion Terumah. Here are the intricate details of building God’s house in the Midbar. The Mishkan is a moveable structure that the Israelites carry with them on their travels through the Wilderness. And if we take this passage as ...
Our Torah portion this week,Parshat Vayishlach, is marked by the death of Rachel after the birth of Benjamin. “Over her grave Jacob set up a pillar; it is the pillar at Rachel’s grave to this day.” This verse is the core text for the Jewish custom to mark the grave with a monum...
912 In this week’s Torah portion we read the following fromBamidbar / Numbers 4:15-20, וכלה אהרן־ובניו לכסת את־הקדש ואת־כל־כלי הקדש בנסע המחנה וא...
(flood) again. The interesting topic about this week’s portion is found in the opening words that describe Noah as a righteous man. The Scriptures describe Moshe as a righteous man. The question is, based upon the generation that he lived, how righteous would one have to be in orde...
Every week in the year is assigned a Torah portion (a reading from the first five books of the bible), and ahaftarah(a reading from the Prophets). Malakhi was written after the Persian Empire had swallowed the Babylonian Empire, and Cyrus the Great had proclaimed that ethnic groups could ...
I’ve been reading for years. But the other day someone asked me to describe the principles behind Aish. I must confess that I didn’t know. So what’s the answer? Here’s the numbered list portion of the Rabbi’s response: ...
I believe that this is the reason for’s growing success; we now reach 30,000+ readers a month. From early rabbinic literature to the great medieval Jewish scholars, Torah study has been a foundation of our tradition. Employing a careful reading of the text — addressing ...
In Israel today, the discussion of the weekly Torah portion (parashat hashavua), is sometimes referred to asinyana deyoma, an Aramaic term for “the matter of the day.” This is an interesting construction because it implies that the study in the presence of the weekly chanted portion is ...