I always tell the person standing closest to Numbers 6:24-26—easily spotted because it looks like an outstretched hand—that landing on this spot in the Torah is a good sign, because it contains the blessing we know as the Priestly Benediction. So wouldn’t you know it, when I went to...
A good portion of kosher food regulations, and perhaps the laws that are some of the most well known among non-Jews, has to do with particular animals that cannot be consumed — pig probably being the most well known. According to the Torah, cloven hoofed, cud-chewing mammals can be kosh...
Torah portion of the week Torah Reading video and text Become a member The Daily Zohar studies are forever FREE. BECOME A MEMBER Members have access to additional study videos, special pages, downloads, discount on private sessions, discounts of purchases (coming soon), and other tools. Mem...
Perhaps it seems shocking for those using a clash with Easter or the school holidays to skip Pesach this year, but the Torah proscribes being cut off from your people as a punishment (Numbers 9:13). The portion clearly accounts for real-life situations that regularly arose in the ancie...
who would have noticed the smoke during the day. Food had to be supplied by friends who willingly gave up a portion of their rations to help those unfortunate people living for weeks in utter darkness. The following inscription is written on the wall of one of these underground rooms, which...
neshama– soul, or spirit. Well, one of the levels of the soul, but I’m going to get into all of that here. This is just the glossary after all! parnossa– livelihood, income. parsha– the weekly Torah portion, read every Shabbos, completing one cycle each year. ...
I was sitting between Rabbi Binyomin Friedman and Rabbi Yossi New, so you could imagine that they filled my ears with Atlanta Torah. Both have been in Atlanta for over 30 years and have made quite an impact on the Jewish community. They have seen Atlanta Jewry grow from 30,000 to over ...
This first occurred in the Torah portion a few weeks ago wherein Abraham was informed by God that his “name shall no longer be Avram, rather your name shall be Avraham, for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations (Genesis 17:5).” Now, why would God change someone’s...
Those of us who attribute any portion of our growth as human beings to a Jewish summer camp should be offended by Director-Rabbi Ethan Linden’s performative concern for updating the camp’s policies and procedures around sexual abuse in light of his handling of real world events. Two object...
TORAH PORTION; What Does It Mean to Listen With Your Heart?Sultar, Jeff