TORAH PORTION; This Week; A Chip Off the Old BalakGutterman, David
Parshat Shelach Lecha has us discovering if the Promised Land will be flowing with milk and honey, or giants and battles? Joshua and Caleb come back to Moses, or Moshe, with a different story than the other spies. This week’s Torah narrator, Jay Michaelson invites the spies of Parshat ...
This week’s Torah portion is named for Yitro, former advisor to Pharaoh and idolatrous priest par excellence. The very same Yitro who became Moses’ father-in-law and turned with all his heart to follow the one G-d of Israel. What’s more, Yitro was also the architect of ancient Isra...
In this Torah portion, Moses describes the Covenant between God and the Israelites, and sets before them a choice. Hear more in this week’s animated short about the Torah portion. Dahlia Lithwick writes about the courts and the law for Slate and hosts the podcast Amicus. Her work has app...
Devarim (Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22) In our Torah portion this week, Moses begins by giving a brief overview of the last forty years of the Children of Israel’s journeys in the wilderness. One of the first events he brings to their attention is the evil repor
Insights on this week’s portion by Dale Solberg. Continue reading → See Previous Torah Commentary About the Torah Portion Experience the Liturgy View the Calendar Messianic Torah Portion is a ministry of The Messianic Light Subscribe to Messianic Torah Portion ...
From our Torah portion this week (i.e.,parashat Mishpatim) we are reminded not to wrong or oppress the "stranger," because we were also once strangers in Egypt (Exod. 22:21). The unspoken assumption here is that since we can understand how it feels to be oppressed and wounded, our su...
Interestingly, not only do all these words both have the meaning of raising up, but there is another Hebrew word –T’rumah, the title of this week’s portion – which is not used for a lift/elevator but conveys the same idea.
Hosted By:Temple Israel of Omaha A weekly discussion of the lessons from this week’s Torah Portion. The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing. ...
(I intended to post this last week, since it examines part of the first Torah portion in the book of Exodus,Shemot, but I didn’t finish it in time because I was sick. Now I am making it the first of a series of posts about how God and Moses interact on Mount Sinai, a.k.a....