High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC) As a Weaning Mode of Ventilation in Preterm Infants: Changing Trends, Impact on Respiratory Outcomes and Time to Initiation of Suck FeedingNASAL cannulaARTIFICIAL respirationPREMATURE infantsdoi:10.1111/jpc.13882_138None...
Downs JB, Block AJ, Vennum KB (1974) Intermittent mandatory ventilation in the treatment of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Anesth Analg 53:437–443 CrossRef Downs JB, Stock MC, labeling B (1982) Intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV): A primary ventilatory support mode. ...
moderate or severe BPD in the babies extubated for the first time beyond 7 days of age.4 Many different modes of invasive respiratory support are used in neonates, and the specific mechanics of weaning from mechanical ventilation are to a large extent a function of the mode of support in...
Many different modes of invasive respiratory support are used in neonates, and the specific mechanics of weaning from MV are to a large extent a function of the mode of support in use. The basic types of MV are (1) pressure-controlled ventilation, (2) volume-controlled or volume-targeted ...
Background A dual controlled ventilatory mode called volume support ventilation (VSV) is anew mode, which is intended to speed up weaning and encourage spontaneous breathing. The purpose of the study was to compare the effectiveness of pressure support ventilation (PSV) and VSV in weaning patients...
In the event of acute respiratory failure, invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) is a required practice to support gas exchanges and to unload respiratory muscles. It is important to optimise the timing of effective need of IMV. Weaning is defined as the process of gradual removal of mechanical ...
机械通气撤机(Weaning from mechanical ventilation)WeaningfromMechanicalVentilation ConsensusConferenceoftheATS,ERS,ESCIM,SCCMandSRLF TobiasWelteDept.ofRespiratoryMedicineMedizinischeHochschuleHannoverGermany Estebanetal.JAMA2002 ManagingthePatient VentilatedpatientsrequirecareinanICUunlesstheyarehemodynamicallystable,freeof...
clinical challenges in mechanical ventilation.在机械通气的临床挑战 热度: 机械通气有创与无创孰优孰劣(Mechanical ventilation is invasive and noninvasive, which is superior or inferior) 热度: WeaningfromMechanicalVentilation ConsensusConferenceoftheATS,ERS,ESCIM, ...
SBT was running almost fully during the daytime. At this time, the expiratoryVTwas increased to 350 mL from 150 mL upon admission to our hospital. Thereafter, we withdrew the pressure support ventilation during the nighttime 39 days after the introduction of the auto-weaning mode, and the...
The objective of this study was to determine the effects on WOB and lung mechanics of DV -CPAP and CPAP flow-by (FB) which is a CF system, in patients weaning from mechanical ventilation. We studied 14 intubated patients through 3 CPAP mode, applied in random order: 1) DV -CPAP, 2)...