weaning from mechanical ventilation 读音:美英 weaning from mechanical ventilation基本解释 撤机 分词解释 weaning使断奶( wean的现在分词 ) from(表示时间)从… mechanical机械的,机械学的 ventilation空气流通
撤机预测指标呼吸衰竭的ICU住院患者常需机械通气(mechanical ventilation,MV)支持。呼吸机撤机(Weaning from mechanical ventilation)是机械通气策略奏效的关键环节,临床医师单凭临床标准犹豫该不该开始撤机。因此,他们还会使用生理测试来预测...
Weaning from mechanical ventilation: definitions and epidemiologyBollaert, P. E.REANIMATION -PARIS-
机械通气撤离(Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation,撤机):应用机械通气后,原发疾病控制,肺部通气与换气功能改善, … www.360doc.com|基于2个网页 3. 撤离呼吸机 呼吸机支持的最终目标是撤离呼吸机(weaning from mechanical ventilation)。撤机,可以理解为一个治疗过程的结束,也可 … ...
24 Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation Guilherme Sant'Anna, MD, PhD, FRCPC, and Martin Keszler, MD, FAAP BACKGROUND Although it is a life-saving intervention, mechanical ventila- tion is associated with many complications (Box 24-1), making timely and safe weaning an important imperative. ...
The transition process from total ventilatory support to spontaneous breathing. This period may take many forms ranging from abrupt withdrawal to gradual withdrawal from ventilatory support. Weaning and Extubation • Mechanical ventilation is a life-saving ...
机械通气撤机(Weaning from mechanical ventilation)WeaningfromMechanicalVentilation ConsensusConferenceoftheATS,ERS,ESCIM,SCCMandSRLF TobiasWelteDept.ofRespiratoryMedicineMedizinischeHochschuleHannoverGermany Estebanetal.JAMA2002 ManagingthePatient VentilatedpatientsrequirecareinanICUunlesstheyarehemodynamicallystable,freeof...
机械通气撤机(Weaning from mechanical ventilation) 热度: clinical challenges in mechanical ventilation.在机械通气的临床挑战 热度: 机械通气有创与无创孰优孰劣(Mechanical ventilation is invasive and noninvasive, which is superior or inferior) 热度: ...
Difficulty weaning is an important ICU challenge. 20% to 30% of patients are difficult to wean from invasive mechanical ventilation
Weaning from mechanical ventilation is the process of reducing ventilatory support, ultimately resulting in a patient breathing spontaneously and being extubated. This process can be achieved rapidly in ∼80% of patients when the original cause of the respiratory failure has improved. The remaining ...