With the exception of diseases known to require prolonged, uninterrupted, mechanical ventilation (MV)—i.e., severe tetanus, polyneuritis, and massive chest trauma with severe flailing—consideration should be given to weaning from MV as soon as certain simple criteria are met. These criteria are...
机械通气撤机(Weaning from mechanical ventilation)WeaningfromMechanicalVentilation ConsensusConferenceoftheATS,ERS,ESCIM,SCCMandSRLF TobiasWelteDept.ofRespiratoryMedicineMedizinischeHochschuleHannoverGermany Estebanetal.JAMA2002 ManagingthePatient VentilatedpatientsrequirecareinanICUunlesstheyarehemodynamicallystable,freeof...
Non-invasive ventilation - when to stop? Criteria for intubation (Guidelines of the German Society of Respiratory Disease) • respiratory parameters are not improving within the first 15 min • blood gas values persist on the same pathologic ...
The transition process from total ventilatory support to spontaneous breathing. This period may take many forms ranging from abrupt withdrawal to gradual withdrawal from ventilatory support. Weaning and Extubation • Mechanical ventilation is a life-saving ...
An example of referral criteria used in a recent study included mechanical ventilation for more than 2 weeks, and having failed two spontaneous breathing trials. Of 403 patients studied, 68% were successfully weaned from the ventilator. The hospital mortality of those admitted was 25%. Only 50%...
and weaning from mechanical ventilation did not begin until some arbitrary weaning criteria were met.2,3 In the early days of mechanical ventilation of newborn infants, there was a widespread practice of keeping infants on mechanical ventilation until they reached the arbitrary weight of 1 kg. ...
From a clinical standpoint, it is very important to recognize as soon as possible when a patient is ready to be weaned. Accordingly, a daily routine follow-up should be performed in every patient in order to verify whether patients meet clinical criteria to be disconnected from the ventilator....
The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves for f/VT ratio were smaller than those published previously. [Conclusion] Our results indicate that aging influences weaning criteria without causing an increase in weaning failure. 展开 关键词: Weaning Mechanical ventilation Aging ...
The objective of this study was to determine the effects on WOB and lung mechanics of DV -CPAP and CPAP flow-by (FB) which is a CF system, in patients weaning from mechanical ventilation. We studied 14 intubated patients through 3 CPAP mode, applied in random order: 1) DV -CPAP, 2)...
from MV did not begin until some arbitrary weaning criteria were met.2,3In the early days of MV ofnewborninfants, there was a widespread practice of keeping infants on MV until they reached the arbitrary weight of 1 kg. This practice, long ago abandoned, was based on the assumption that...