撤机预测指标呼吸衰竭的ICU住院患者常需机械通气(mechanical ventilation,MV)支持。呼吸机撤机(Weaning from mechanical ventilation)是机械通气策略奏效的关键环节,临床医师单凭临床标准犹豫该不该开始撤机。因此,他们还会使用生理测试来预测...
As mentioned in Chapter 15, weaning and extuba- tion at the earliest possible time are among the a priori goals of mechanical respiratory support. In addition to the obvious goal of reducing ventilator-induced lung injury, early wean- ing will reduce the risk of nosocomial sepsis, reduce ...
Mechanical VentilationVentilator WeaningRespiration ArtificialRespiratory frequencySynonyms Discontinuation ; Liberation Definition Invasive mechanical ventilation provides essential support as the respiratory system recovers from acute respiratory failure. Unfortunately, invasive ventilation is associated with complications ...
The transition process from total ventilatory support to spontaneous breathing. This period may take many forms ranging from abrupt withdrawal to gradual withdrawal from ventilatory support. Weaning and Extubation • Mechanical ventilation is a life-saving ...
2247HalpernCCM2004;32:1254 U.S.U.S.U.S.1995 20002000 $2,114 $2,462$2,674 Weaning -“Theprocessofliberatingpatientsfromtheventilator,…beginsassoonasthepatientisintubatedbytailoringsettingstotheneedsofthepatient…”HallJB,WoodL.JAMA1987 25 Vent.time Wean.time 20 Days 15 *CONTROLGROUP 40% ...
机械通气撤机(Weaning from mechanical ventilation) 热度: clinical challenges in mechanical ventilation.在机械通气的临床挑战 热度: 机械通气有创与无创孰优孰劣(Mechanical ventilation is invasive and noninvasive, which is superior or inferior) 热度: ...
The SBT is the traditional approach to weaning patients from mechanical ventilation. This originally involved disconnecting the patient from the ventilator and connecting a device such as a T-piece. Other variants of SBTs include continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), which may maintain the func...
infection e.g. VAP ventilator-associated lung injury (VALI) need for sedation and associated complications airway trauma from prolonged intubation deconditioning costs psychological effectsREASONS FOR VENTILATOR DEPENDENCYTwo types of factors:Disease-imposed factors— e.g. mechanical and/or gas exchange ...
As discussed above, ultrasound already has a great potential to hasten liberation from invasive mechanical ventilation, especially by identifying reasons for failed SBT and extubation. However, we see further potential for ultrasound to improve care for these patients. First, clinical trials may help ...
Although a number of patients will require prolonged ventilator support beyond the critical care setting, the growing experience with this population demonstrates that a large percentage have favorable outcomes. 展开 关键词:Intensive care Acute care Injury Anesthesia Tracheotomy Mechanical ventilation ...