Zivy, Thousand and one ways to quantify and compare protein abundances in label-free bottom-up proteomics, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, Proteins Proteomics, 2016, 1864, 883-895.Blein-Nicolas, M.; Zivy, M. Thousand and one ways to quantify and compare protein abundances in label-free bottom-up ...
One popular metabolic approach for proteomics researchers is SILAC, which stands for stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture. Used to drive mass spectrometry experiments, SILAC enables researchers to quantify differences in protein abundance between two cultures or cell lines by labeling...
making them more adaptable to various analytical needs. ICP-MS is renowned for its unmatched sensitivity and precision in detecting ultra-trace metals and metalloids in complex biological samples, such as lead in plasma or seawater. XRF advancements include lower detection limits and reduced sample pr...
Thousand and one ways to quantify and compare protein abundances in label-free bottom-up proteomics. How to process and analyze MS data to quantify and statistically compare protein abundances in bottom-up proteomics has been an open debate for nearly fift... Blein-Nicolas,M��lisande,Zivy...
The rising prevalence of obesity around the globe places an increasing burden on the health of populations, on healthcare systems and on overall economies. A major challenge for researchers is to quantify the effect of these burdens to inform public policies. Using a simulation model to project ...
So far, we have been able to construct dose-response curves for 12 abiotic environmental factors (Poorter et al.2009,2012a,2012b). For most factors, such as light and CO2, it is relatively easy to objectively quantify the levels plants are exposed to. However, for others -notably nutrients...
In every case, an improvement of the respective measure (speed, cost and success of phase) of 20% (in the case of failure rate in relative terms) has been assumed to quantify effects on the capital cost of bringing one successful drug to the market. For the simulations, a patent life...
Additionally, Image Studio Software makes it easy to sort through images and quickly quantify your bands. Empiria Studio® Software Empiria Studio is designed to provide you reliable answers during each analytical step. As an analysis software that incorporates publisher recommendations, Empiria Studio ...
Cells and supernatant were lysed to extract DNA. Samples were then subjected to absolute real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) using major capsid protein (MCP) primers to quantify TFV genomic concentration. Statistical analysis was performed using Student’s t-test (0.05 < *p ≤ 0.1, 0...
A similar analysis can also be extended to quantify miti- gation potentials from lifestyle changes in different con- sumer segments using survey microdata. Previous research based on survey microdata covering carbon footprints of households or consumer segments has revealed that they vary widely, even...