Define water under the bridge. water under the bridge synonyms, water under the bridge pronunciation, water under the bridge translation, English dictionary definition of water under the bridge. n. 1. A clear, colorless, odorless, and tasteless liquid, H
water under the bridge idiom used to say that something happened in the past and is no longer important or worth arguing about We had our differences in the past, but that's allwater under the bridgenow. Examples ofwater under the bridgein a Sentence ...
water under the bridge翻译成中文,可不是说“桥下的水”。人家真正的意思是这样的:我们都知道,桥下的水流过去了就流过去了,永远也回不来了。就有点像我们小时候背的古诗“逝者如斯夫...”或“覆水难收”。 因此,water under the bridge则表示:泼出之水;不...
Please don't worry about it any more. It's allwater under the bridge. 请不要再担心这件事了, 这都是过去的事了. 互联网 No, that was a long time ago, it's allwater under the bridge. 是的, 那已经是很久以前的事了, 早已事过境迁了. ...
Water Under the Bridge 不值一提的往事 “Water Under the Bridge” refers to a past event or situation that is no longer seen as important or concerning. “Water under the bridge” 的字面意思是“桥下的流水”,而实际上它指的是无关紧要,不再令人担忧的陈年旧事或情况。
阿黛尔有一首歌叫“water under the bridge”,大家可以搜来听听。歌词中讲到: Our love ain't water under the bridge阿黛尔《water under the bridge》 所以“water under the bridge”是什么意思呢? 这是一种很形象的表达,它比喻挺久之前发生的事情或情况(经常是不太好的事情),在当时是显著的,但已经过去很...
water under the bridge'的中文含义及用法可以概括为:它是一个表示“过去的事;既往不咎”的英文短语,常用于描述已经发
waterunderthebridge的字面意思是桥下的流水而实际上它指的是无关紧要不再令人担忧的陈年旧事或情况 英语俗语:WaterUndertheBridge(不值一提的往事) 英语俗语: Water Under the Bridge(不值一提的往事)。 “Water under the bridge” 的字面意思是“桥下的流水”,而实际上它指的是无关紧要,不再令人担忧的...