46. Write a Verilog code for 5:1 MUX module mux_5to1(input [4:0] data, input [2:0] sel, output reg out); always @(*) case(sel) 3'b000: out = data[0]; 3'b001: out = data[1]; 3'b010: out = data[2]; 3'b011: out = data[3]; 3'b100: out = data[4]; default...
mux2 mux1 ( sel[1], c, d, mux1 ); mux2 mux2 ( sel[1], mux0, mux1, out ); endmodule 先编译,将mux0/mux1/mux2修改为mux_0/mux_1/mux_2,发现下面的时序图! sel=0,out=a; sel=1,out=b; sel=2,out=c; sel=3,out=d; //四选一多路选择器,需要选择4个bit的module top_module...
Learn about designing a multiplexer in verilog with example code, specifically a 4x1 or 4 to 1 mux
登录后复制generate if(MUX_NUM == 0)begin: mux4_1登录后复制always@(*)begin登录后复制case(sel[1:0])登录后复制2'b00:data_out = data_in0;登录后复制2'b01:data_out = data_in1;登录后复制2'b10:data_out = data_in2;登录后复制default:data_out = data_in3;登录后复制endcase登录后复制en...
所以Verilog要避免锁存器的两大原因是 (1)Latch对毛刺不敏感,设计不当,容易在电路中传播毛刺 (2...
55、 Either true_expr or false_expr can also be a conditional operator/ lets use this to build a 4:1 muxassign out = sel1 ? (sel0 ? in3 : in2) : (sel0 ? in1 : in0); Slide taken direct from Eric HoffmanConditional assign (continued)Examples: (nesting of conditionals)define add...
Parentheses may be omitted if the code formatting conveys the same information, for example when describing a priority mux. 👍 assign foo = condition_a ? a : condition_b ? b : not_a_nor_b; Comments C++ style comments (// foo) are preferred. C style comments (/* bar */) can also...
1 module mux_without_default (a,b,c,d,sel,y); 2 input a, b, c, d; 3 input [1:0] sel; 4 output y; 5 6 reg y; 7 8 always @ (a or b or c or d or sel) 9 case (sel) 10 0 : y = a; 11 1 : y = b; 12 2 : y = c; 13 3 : y = d; 14 2'bxx,2'bx...
b) 4-bit carry Adder – cum Subtractor. c) 2-digit BCD adder / subtractor. d) 4-bit carry look-ahead adder e) 4-bit comparator 2. Write a Verilog HDL program in Hierarchical structural model for a) 16:1 mux realization using 4:1 mux ...
// Mux examples - Three ways to do the same thing.// The first example uses continuous assignmentwireout;assignout=sel?a:b;// the second example uses a procedure// to accomplish the same thing.regout;always@(aorborsel)begincase(sel)1'b0:out=b;1'b1:out=a;endcaseend// Finally - yo...