45. Write a code for 2:1 Mux? Ans : assign mux_out = (sel)? din_1 : din_0; 46. Write a Verilog code which divides the clock by 2? Ans : always @ (posedge clk_in)if (reset)clk_out <= 1'b0;elseclk_out <= ! clk_out ; 47. Write a code which converts 4 bit binary...
module mux(EN ,IN0 ,IN1 ,IN2 ,IN3 ,SEL ,OUT ); input EN ; input [7:0] IN0 ,IN1 ,IN2 ,IN3 ; input [1:0] SEL ; output [7:0] OUT ; reg [7:0] OUT ; always @(SELorEN or IN0 or IN1 or IN2 or IN3 ) begin if (EN == 0) OUT = {8{1'b0}}; else case ...
所以Verilog要避免锁存器的两大原因是 (1)Latch对毛刺不敏感,设计不当,容易在电路中传播毛刺 (2...
构建一个在a和b之间进行选择的2对1 mux。如果sel_b1和sel_b2都为true,则选择b。否则,选择a。重复两次,一次使用assign语句,另一次使用过程if语句。 二、Verilog code module top_module( input a, input b, input sel_b1, input sel_b2, output wire out_assign, output reg out_always ); assign out_a...
The incomplete Verilog HDL code for the MUX2-1 is shown in the following:module Mux2_1 (In1, In2, sel, Out);parameter n=32;input [n-1:0] In1,In2;input sel;output [n-1:0] Out;___endmodulewhich of the following statements should be filled to the blank in the code to impleme...
// Code style: used case statement // Width of output terminal: 8 // Number of terminals: 4 // Output enable acTIve: HIGH // Output value of all bits when enable not acTIve: 0 //--- ...
The functionality of a 2:1 Muxassign out = conditional_expr ? true_expr : false_expr;01cond_exproutfalse_exprtrue_exprExamples:/ a 2:1 muxassign out = select ? in0 : in1;/ tri-state busassign src1 = rf2src1 ? Memaddr1 : 16hzzzz;/ 55、 Either true_expr or false_expr can ...
The order of execution isn't always guaranteed within Verilog. This can best be illustrated by a classic example. Consider the code snippet below: initiala=0;initialb=a;initialbegin#1;$display("Value a=%d Value of b=%d",a,b);end ...
Parentheses may be omitted if the code formatting conveys the same information, for example when describing a priority mux. 👍 assign foo = condition_a ? a : condition_b ? b : not_a_nor_b; Comments C++ style comments (// foo) are preferred. C style comments (/* bar */) can also...
Hello everyone. Mux verilog code below. They do the same, but option 2 got huge delays and cannot meet timing. Conclusion: they have different