Vivado,verilog语言,case语句,四选一MUX 傲晴**傲晴上传36KB文件格式7zVIVADOverilog 这个模块实现了一个基于两个选择信号的4路选择器,能够从四个输入中选择一个并输出。 1. 输入和输出: - 输入:四个数据输入 \( in1, in2, in3, in4 \) 和两个选择信号 \( s0, s1 \)。
Compile Options Run Options Run Time: Userun.doTcl file Userun.bashshell script Runcustom file Custom File Compile Options Run Options Run Time: Userun.doTcl file Userun.bashshell script Runcustom file Custom File ShowHTMLafter run Userun.bashshell script ...
begin : MUX41 case({s1,s0}) 2'b00:y<=a; 2'b01:y<=b; 2'b10:y<=c; 2'b11:y<=d; default:y<=a; endcase end endmodule 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 2.用assign语句 module MUX41a(a,b,c,d,s1,s0,y); input a,b,c,d,s1,s0;...
default: decimal = 4'bxxxx; endcase endmodule ``` 4. 选择信号控制多路复用器 ```verilog module mux(input [3:0] sel, input [7:0] data0, data1, data2, data3, output reg [7:0] out); always @(*) case(sel) 4'b0000: out = data0; 4'b0001: out = data1; 4'b0010: out ...
14. Explain the steps for writing the FSM code Here are the following steps that will be followed while writing the FSM code: Define states and state register. Describe state transitions using always or case constructs. Implement combinational logic for the next state and output. Use non-blockin...
Group multiple statements using begin and end keywords. Syntax of a case statement look as shown below. case () < case1 > : < statement > < case2 > : < statement > ... default : < statement > endcase Normal Case Example- case 1 module mux (a,b,c,d,sel,y); 2 input...
一:抽象层级 1.三种代码风格 Structural code(GTL (gate level), netlist)——结构级 RTL (register...
19.Warning: Using design file lpm_fifo0.v, which is not specified as a design file for the current project, but contains definitions for 1 design units and 1 entities in project Info: Found entity 1: lpm_fifo0 原因:模块不是在本项目生成的,而是直接copy了别的项目的原理图和源程序而生成的...
if else与case的区别是if else会综合成一串小mux以体现优先级,而case会尽量用大mux来表示。比如下面这个图,用case写只要一个cell就事办了,用ifelse则需要三个mux。所以除非一定要凸显优先级,我们能用case尽量用case。 以上这点是没有错的,但是要注意一点,lib里面的mux只有单输入与双输入,如果我们要写超过双输入...