float angle_to_point ( Vector2 to )文档中有这两个计算角度的函数,图也是文档的图解,按我的理解,Vector(1, 0).angle_to(Vector(a, b))应该始终等于Vector(0, 0).angle_to_point(Vector(a, b))吧,但是实际计算出来这两个角度是相反的,求大佬解答。Godot版本3.5,原文档地址:https://docs.godotengine...
在Godot 中,我们可以使用 Vector2 的rotated()方法来旋转一个向量。这个方法接收一个角度作为参数,并返回一个新的向量,该向量已经旋转了指定的角度。 下面是旋转 Vector2 的代码示例: # 创建 Vector2 对象 (3, 0) var vec = Vector2(3, 0) # 将向量旋转 90 度 vec = vec.rotated(deg2rad(90)) ...
godot/core/math/vector2.cpp Go to file Copy path Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 191 lines (157 sloc)6.17 KB RawBlame /***/ /*vector2.cpp*/ /***/ /*This file is part of:*/ /*GODOT ENGINE*/ /*https://godotengine.org*...
As suggested by @kitbdev in chat.godotengine.org: Using vec = vec.slerp(target, delta) could be better, as dividing by angle could lead to infinite for an angle close to zero... This is because by dividing the angle it gets 1 radian in percentage... which means for 0.5 radian angle...
说实话,Godot的着色器语言教程是真的浓缩: 开篇直接丢出“它和openGL”很像,然后就是介绍一些基本的东西,然后再来了一波“花里胡哨”的操作: 先是搞出山脉,再把山脉搞成海面。接着就给你讲了一些“高级”的操作。(最主要这些文档未翻译完全!!!) 我敢打一百个赌,新手绝对看不懂。在此,开一个小小的坑,我...
分享32 godot吧 什么都没呢 【求助】鼠标移动摄像机问题(Vector3.RIGHT, -.01 * event.relative.y)# 缩放相机if event is InputEventMouseButton:if event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN:$Camera3D.position.z += .2*zoomSpeed;$Camera3D.position.z=clamp($Camera3D.posi... 分享2赞 unity3d...
m_rbAFrame.getOrigin() = pivotInA;// since no frame is given, assume this to be zero angle and just pick rb transform axisbtVector3 rbAxisA1 = rbA.getCenterOfMassTransform().getBasis().getColumn(0); btVector3 rbAxisA2; btScalar projection = axisInA.dot(rbAxisA1);if(projection >=...
planes.push_back(Plane(pos * axis_neg, angle * axis_neg)); } }returnplanes; } 开发者ID:Alex-doc,项目名称:godot,代码行数:31,代码来源:geometry.cpp 示例2: _update_areas_display ▲点赞 5▼ voidGridMapEditor::_update_areas_display() {if(!node) {return; ...
https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/feec0n/wanting_to_stop_animation_from_walking_to_idle/fjrg7r8?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x I also fail to see how Vector2.UP_LEFT not being a unit vector has anything to do with it being a constant. ...