还需要知道一个函数get_vector(),(它是通过指定正负XY轴的四个动作来获取输入向量,方向向量的最大长度为1)。同时我们需要四个输入操作,在这个项目设置里,我们可以添加输入映射 项目设置 增加输入映射 这里我已经添加完了,我们再添加个方向变量direction来储存按键方向,这样的话,direction = Input.get_vector("move_...
Vector2 move_and_slide_with_snap(linear_velocity: Vector2, snap: Vector2, up_direction: Vector2 = Vector2( 0, 0 ), stop_on_slope: bool = false, max_slides: int = 4, floor_max_angle: float = 0.785398, infinite_inertia: bool = true)Moves the body while keeping it attached to slo...
velocity = Vector2(0,0)return# 检查是否按住shift键来改变奔跑速度if Input.is_action_pressed("run"):run_times = 1.5else:run_times = 1.0var direction = Input.get_vector("left","right","up","down")if direction:velocity = direction * SPEED * run_times * deltaelse:velocity.x = move_...
get_cell_source_id(0, coords + direction) != -1: dirs.append(direction) if dirs.size() == 2: # 必须是左右或上下两面的墙壁 return (dirs[0] + dirs[1]) == Vector2i(0,0) return false # 连接门 func connect_door( tile_map: TileMap, from_coords: Vector2i, to_coords: Vector2...
var direction = Vector2(1.0,0.0)# 常量,球初始移动速度(单位:像素/秒)const INITIAL_BALL_SPEED =80# 球的实时速度(单位:像素/秒)var ball_speed = INITIAL_BALL_SPEED# pad的移动速度const PAD_SPEED =150func _ready(): screen_size = get_viewport_rect().size ...
var input_dir := Input.get_vector("move_left", "move_right", "move_forward", "move_backward") var direction := (transform.basis * Vector3(input_dir.x, 0, input_dir.y)).normalized() 主要需要看的就是在_physics_process中这两行代码。
var direction:Vector2 var count:Label var pause:bool var button_pause:Button var button_rest:Button var text:Label var button_speedup:Button var button_speeddown:Button var speed_xs:Label func _ready(): speed=1 count=Label.new() add_child(count) ...
var player = get_tree().get_first_node_in_group("player") as Node2Dif player == null:returnvar direction = Vector2.RIGHT.rotated(randf_range(0, TAU))var current_pawn_count = base_spawn_count + update_spawn_countvar additional_rotation_degrees = 360.0 / current_pawn_countvar i = 1...
extends KinematicBody2D var velocity = Vector2.ZERO func _process(delta): # 获取导航目标方向 var direction = (get_global_mouse_position() - global_position).normalized() # 计算移动速度 velocity = direction * 200 # 假设速度为200像素/秒 # 使用move_and_slide移动角色 move_and_slide(velo...
direction = -direction; UpdateDirection(); } }privatevoid_on_Line_draw() { DrawCircle(Point,2, color); } } 圆形上运动 usingGodot;usingSystem;publicclassCircle:Node2D{privateVector2 start =newVector2(200,200);privateVector2 current =newVector2(300,200); ...