On average more than half million VDJ sequences per sample were obtained after sequencing, which contain both VDJ rearrangement and SHM information. In addition, customized bioinformatics pipelines were developed to fully utilize sequence information for the characterization of IgH-VDJ repertoire within ...
Sequencing of VDJ genes in Lepus americanus confirms a correlation between VHn expression and the leporid species continent of originLeporidsLepus americanusIGHVAdaptive selectionLeporid VH genes used in the generation of their primary antibody repertoire exhibit highly divergent lineages. For the European ...
三、免疫组库的不同方法比较 一般的免疫组库测序(Immune Repertoire sequencing(IR-SEQ))大致分为两类:多重PCR测序和5' RACE技术。 1、多重PCR测序 市面上以多重PCR测序为主,其原理是设计位于J等位基因活位于C区(恒定区)的引物,结合一系列已知的V等位基因上的混合引物,进行PCR扩增。此方法可使用gRNA和RNA,...
[2] Guo, X. , Zhang, Y. , Zheng, L. , Zheng, C. , & Zhang, Z. . (2018). Global characterization of t cells in non-small-cell lung cancer by single-cell sequencing.Nature Medicine, 24(7). [3] Sun, K. , Xu, R. , Ma, F. , Yang, N. , Li, Y. , & Sun, X. ,...
免疫组库测序(Immune Repertoire sequencing(IR-SEQ))是以 T/B 淋巴细胞为研究目标,以多重PCR或5’RACE技术目的扩增决定B细胞受体(BCR)或T细胞受体(TCR)多样性的互补决定区(CDR区),再结合高通量测序技术,全面评估免疫系统的多样性,深入挖掘免疫组库与疾病的关系。
并行三个文库 降维、聚类,tsne可视化。 案例 200抗体同时标记细胞,相互干扰不高 阴性对照建议要加的 單細胞VDJ定序 Single Cell V(D)J Sequencing Immune repertoire的簡介與應用 浅谈BCR及TCR基因的克隆重排 图片来自研讨PPT截图,仅供学习交流,侵删。
To overcome this limitation, we investigated alternative approaches, employing single cell RNA and VDJ sequencing to identify antigen-specific T cells.MethodsFirst, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) obtained from healthy human donors were stained with carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE) ...
注: Multi-omics spatial lung atlas experimental design included fresh and frozen sampling from 5 locations for single-cell (sc) RNA sequencing (RNAseq), sc VDJ-sequencing, single-nuclei (sn) RNAseq and Visium Spatial Transcriptomics (ST). Five donors (D) from the frozen samples were pooled...
免疫组库(Immune Repertoire,IR)是指在任何指定时间,某个个体的循环系统中所有功能多样性B细胞和T细胞的总和。免疫组库测序(Immune Repertoire sequencing(IR-SEQ))是以 T/B 淋巴细胞为研究目标,以多重PCR或5’RACE技术目的扩增决定B细胞受体(BCR)或T细胞受体(TCR)多样性的互补决定区(CDR区),再结合高通量测序技术...
本系列会使用2021年Cancer Cell文章“Single-cell sequencing links multiregional immune landscapes and tissue-resident T cells in ccRCC to tumor topology and therapy efficacy”中的部分样本作为示例展示TCR的常见应用场景以及可视化。 该数据集的多个样本都有多处采样位置,多数样本同时含有RNA和TCR数据,且含有治疗前...