Single Cell 5' v3 Gene Expression Libraries Recommended Sequencing: Minimum 20,000 read pairs/cell* Dual-Indexed Sequencing Run: Single Cell 5' v3 libraries are dual-indexed. We do not recommend sequencing 10x Single Cell 5’ v3 libraries with a single-index configuration. See...
天凉了,多穿几件吧,RNA+ATAC,RNA+VDJ。 书中概述了单细胞测序和甲基化在疾病和探索的角色,single cell测序和甲基化异质性,尤其是关注单细胞测序和甲基化的方法潜在的应用,对潜在的这些变化与肺疾病之间的相关性,以及导致异质细胞反应的信号通路在治疗中的潜在的角色。 这本书还强调在临床实践和应用的方法的重要...
Abstract PO1-25-06: Integrated analysis of single-cell RNA and VDJ-sequencing data to identify T cell marker expressed on antigen-specific T cells doi:10.1158/1538-7445.SABCS23-PO1-25-06BackgroundIn recent years, the advancement of adoptive cell transfer-based immunotherapies has significantly ...
Single-cell TCR repertoire analysis Raw reads from paired V(D)J sequencing were processed using the cellranger vdj of the Cell Ranger (v2.2.0) with --chain = all for γδ T cells. The V(D)J segment based reference was constructed from IMGT using the fetch-imgt and cellranger mkv...
Single-cell technologies, particularly single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) methods, together with associated computational tools and the growing availability of public data resources, are transforming drug discovery and development. New opportunities are emerging in target identification owing to improved...
Using the TCR information from VDJ sequencing, we next investigated whether differential transcriptional responses to antigen stimulation could be attributed to specific clonotypes. We detected CDR3αβ sequences in 92% of analyzed T cells (69.9% fully paired CDR3αβ; 3.4% CDR3α only; 26.7% ...
Single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis of adult and fetal tissues revealed cell-type-specific developmental differences In total, out of the 125 adult and fetal tissues from all omics types, the scRNA-seq molecular layer in the SCA consisted of 92 adult and fetal tissues (Additional file1: Fig. ...
VDJ检出率上升 检出的基因数大大增加 如今,单细胞RNA测序(scRNA-seq)是一种成熟可靠的方法,使研究人员能够深入研究由细胞异质性驱动的生物复杂性。使用scRNA-seq技术的科学家已经取得了令人难以置信的发现。 2009年scRNA-seq的出现,就像美国宇航局在20世纪90年代发射哈勃太空望远镜一样,让我们对一个被低估的宇宙有了...
Single cell RNA sequencing provides unprecedented opportunity to simultaneously explore the transcriptomic and immune receptor diversity of T and B cells. However, there are limited tools available that simultaneously analyse large multi-omics datasets integrated with metadata such as patient and cli...
Immune cell profiling of COVID-19 patients in the recovery stage by single-cell sequencing ArticleOpen access04 May 2020 Dynamic blood single-cell immune responses in patients with COVID-19 ArticleOpen access06 March 2021 Introduction Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute, systemic febrile illness and...