–LROH Long Runs of Homozygosity –relatedness, --relatedness2 计算relatedness statistic –site-quality提取VCF文件中每个位点的QUAL信息 –missing-indv计算每个样本的缺失率,输出imiss –missing-site计算每个位点的缺失率。 –SNPdensity INT 一定窗口内的SNP数目和频率 –kept-sites,–remove-sites 通过过滤的位...
--relatedness2 This option is used to calculate and output a relatedness statistic based on the method of Manichaikul et al., BIOINFORMATICS 2010 (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btq559). The output file has the suffix ".relatedness2". --site-quality Generates a file containing the per-site SNP ...
–relatedness2 This option is used to calculate and output a relatedness statistic based on the method of Manichaikul et al., BIOINFORMATICS 2010 (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btq559). The output file has the suffix “.relatedness2”. –site-quality 主要用于提取VCF文件中每个位点的QUAL信息 1 2 ...
Currently, only pairwise FST calculations are supported, although this will likely change in the future. The --gzfst option can be used to read compressed VCF files. --LROH Identify Long Runs of Homozygosity. --relatedness Output Individual Relatedness Statistics. ...
This option is used to calculate and output a relatedness statistic based on the method of Manichaikul et al., BIOINFORMATICS 2010 (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btq559). The output file has the suffix “.relatedness2”. –site-quality 主要用于提取VCF文件中每个位点的QUAL信息 ...
--relatedness,--relatedness2计算relatedness statistic --site-quality提取VCF文件中每个位点的QUAL信息 --missing-indv计算每个样本的缺失率,输出imiss --missing-site计算每个位点的缺失率。 --SNPdensity INT一定窗口内的SNP数目和频率 --kept-sites,--remove-sites通过过滤的位点到另一文件kept.sites文件,removed...
--relatedness,--relatedness2计算relatedness statistic --site-quality提取VCF文件中每个位点的QUAL信息 --missing-indv计算每个样本的缺失率,输出imiss --missing-site计算每个位点的缺失率。 --SNPdensity INT一定窗口内的SNP数目和频率 --kept-sites,--remove-sites通过过滤的位点到另一文件kept.sites文件,removed...