在ROS_INFO输出的时间戳中可以观察到两者的差异。首先我们设置rosparam set /use_sim_time true 然后启动如下代码 : ROS_INFO("%lf,%lf",(double)(ros::WallTime::now().toSec()), (double)(ros::Time::now().toSec())); 发现输出时间戳前缀没有ROS::Time以为此时/clock未有信息发布,且ROS::Time...
CYCLONEDDS_URI='<Domain id="any"><SharedMemory><Enable>true</></></>' # Running multiple ros nodes to increase chance of error while true; do ( ( ros2 run rclcpp_components component_container --ros-args -p use_sim_time:=true & sleep 1 pkill -INT -P $! ) & ) sleep 0.2 ...
This issue will aggregate the work on a ROS Time object in the client libraries (C++ and Python) as well as implementing the simulated time similar to (if not exactly like) roscpp::Time + use_sim_time from ROS 1. There is already a desig...
With eSIM, there’s no need for two SIM cards. You can have multiple eSIMs on your device, but you’re only able to use one at a time. Instead, your eSIM activates a mobile plan without having to use a physical SIM card. That eSIM is stored digitally on your iPhone. ...
What are the benefits of 5G and how to connect to it? 5G is theoretically capable of network speeds of 10 Gbps compared to 4G's 10 Mbps. It's incredibly fast, but it's not just about providing faster speeds. It is also helping the world become more connected through the Internet of ...
An eSIM allows you to activate a mobile network plan without having a nano-SIM. If your Galaxy smartphone has an eSIM, you can add and remove your mobile network plan to your phone. Read on to find out more. How to add your mobile plan on your smartphone with an eSIM To add your ...
About "Auto send location via SMS" 1.Make sure you have inserted a valid SIM card before using the "Auto send location via SMS" feature. 2.Once this feature is turned on, it will obtain your location information and send it to your emergency contacts via SMS after you call emergency ser...
An eSIM:A digital SIM downloaded to compatible devices Want to know more? Go to Device support and choose your device (if required). Then, selecteSIM. Talk To make a call: Choose the phone number you want to use before you call, or default to the last number used. You can put ...
Smartphones with Dual SIM technology allow you to use an eSIM and physical SIM card simultaneously. This makes it easy for you to use eSIM data to connect to the internet and your physical SIM to send or receive calls. Here’s how to switch between two SIMs on an iPhone with iOS 12.1...