Gameplay Debugger は、リアルタイム データをランタイムに見るのに便利です。レプリケーションを使用するネットワーク ゲームのクライアントに対しても使用可能です。Play In Editor (エディタでプレイする(PIE))、 Simulate In Editor (エディタでシミュレートする)、およびスタンドアロン...
Gameplay debugger 编辑器按钮设置/查看 Project Settings→Engine→Gameplay Debugger→Input→Activation Key(默认是按键:‘) 运行游戏后使用 1.打开Gameplay调试器后,可以点击Tab进入旁观者状态(脱离控制角色) 2.遇到NPC之前打开Gameplay调试器,再遇到NPC没有反应,需要遇到NPC再打开 Ai相关信息 控制器名称(Controller Nam...
Module GameplayDebuggerEditor Header /Engine/Source/Editor/GameplayDebugger/Public/GameplayDebuggerToolkit.h Include #include "GameplayDebuggerToolkit.h"Syntaxclass FGameplayDebuggerToolkit : public FModeToolkit Copy full snippetConstructorsTypeNameDescription FGameplayDebuggerToolkit ( FEdMode* InOwningMode )Over...
GameplayMediaEncoder.Stop Stops encoding GameplayTags.DumpTagList Writes out a csv with all tags to Reports/TagList.csv GameplayTags.EnableDetailedStats Runtime toggle for verbose CPU profiling stats GameplayTags.PackingTest Prints frequency of gameplay tags GameplayTags.PrintNetIndiceAssignment Logs Gamepl...
按单引号(')启用Gameplay调试器(Gameplay Debugger),按零(0)可切换至寻路(Navigation)视图。你可以查看玩家周围加载的寻路网格体。 在关卡中移动,并查看当每个世界分区单元在玩家周围加载时寻路网格体如何加载。 阶段成果 在此阶段,你了解了如何呈现当世界分区加载和卸载寻路网格体时的情形。
Removed direct dependency on GameplayAbilities from GameplayDebugger to solve problems with its classes showing in blueprints editor as a result of the OS automatically loading the library. Bugfix: Removing an interface and keeping the functions will correctly make the pins on the function available...
Bugfix: Fixed Gameplay debugger to no longer get stuck with outdated data packs on Client. Bugfix: Fixed an issue where Gameplay debugger was sometimes not activating on clients, since it was depending on the wrong initialization order.NAVIGATION...
Added keyboard shortcuts to toggle game HUD and debug messages in the gameplay debugger. Users can configure shortcuts in the engine config file.NavigationBugfix: Navigation System’s navigation agent comparison can now match navigation data instances with appropriate agents in multi-navmesh environment...
What is the Gameplay Framework in Unreal Engine?When you started a new Unity project, you had to populate things like GameObjects and components manually. Similarly, in Unreal Engine, you can build your game using Actors and Components. However, Unreal Engine has an additional layer call...
调试工具: 利用全面的调试工具,如 Visual Logger、Gameplay Debugger 和自定义解决方案,快速定位问题并优化行为。 灵活设计: 在蓝图或 C++ 中为 NPC 创建任务,用曲线表(Curve Table)管理和调整行为参数,实现简单直观的行为对比和调整。 适合的用户 希望赋予 NPC 更真实行为的开发者。