Const should also be preferred on by-value function parameters and locals. This tells a reader that the variable will not be modified in the body of the function, which makes it easier to understand. If you do this, make sure that the declaration and the definition match, as this can aff...
if(TSharedPtr<FMyObjectType> LockedObserver = ObjectObserver.Pin()) { //共享指针仅在此范围内有效。 //该对象已被验证为存在,而共享指针阻止其被删除。 LockedObserver->SomeFunction(); } Copy full snippet 取消引用和访问 要访问弱指针的对象,首需使用Pin函数,将其提升为共享指针。然后可通...
TFunctionMessageHandler Template for handlers of one specific message type (via function objects). TRawMessageCatchall Template for catch-all handlers (via raw function pointers). TRawMessageHandler Template for handlers of one specific message type (via raw function pointers).Ask...
共享指针 一种支持共享拥有、自动失效、弱引用等特性的智能指针。 共享指针(Shared Pointers)是指既健壮、又能为空指针的智能指针。共享指针沿袭了普通智能指针的所有优点,它能避免出现内存泄漏、悬挂指针,还能避免指针指向未初始化的内存。但它们还有一些其他特点,例如: 共享所有权(Shared Ownership):引...
Engine/Plugins/Angelscript/Source/AngelscriptCode/Public/FunctionLibraries Using Precompiled Scripts 使用预编译脚本功能 功能说明 通常,当引擎启动时,AngelScript 插件会读取项目脚本文件夹中的所有 .as 文件,然后解析并编译它们。在某些平台(例如低速 CPU 或硬盘的设备)上,这个过程可能会花费较长时间。 为了解决这个...
ENGINE_API void SynthCommand(TUniqueFunction<void()> Command); private: ENGINE_API void PumpPendingMessages(); // The command queue used to convey commands from game thread to generator thread TQueue<TUniqueFunction<void()>> CommandQueue; friend class USynthComponent; }; ...
首先gen.cpp 中会生成代码将 Function 和 Property 分开存储,定义如下: /** 成员变量 **/ constUE4CodeGen_Private::FPropertyParamsBase*constZ_Construct_UClass_AWeapon_Statics::PropPointers[] = { (constUE4CodeGen_Private::FPropertyParamsBase*)&Z_Construct_UClass_AWeapon_Statics::NewProp_WeaponName,...
Weak Pointers have no impact on whether an Object is garbage collected or not.When the garbage collector runs, unreferenced Objects found are removed from memory. In addition, the function MarkPendingKill() can be called directly on an Object. This function sets all pointers to the ...
It’s important to check if pointers are not “null” (also written as “nullptr” in code, meaning not pointing to anything) before attempting to call functions or change its variables, or the engine will crash when executing that piece of code. So you will use the above if-statement of...
New: Added Set Auto Activate Blueprint function to Set Auto Activate, which is safe to call from Construction Scripts.New: The Gameplay Tags Editor module has been moved to a plugin, while the Gameplay Tags module is now part of the core engine. System internals and performance have been si...