共享指针 共享指针(Shared Pointers)是指既健壮、又能为空指针的智能指针。共享指针沿袭了普通智能指针的所有优点,它能避免出现内存泄漏、悬挂指针,还能避免指针指向未初始化的内存。但它们还有一些其他特点,例如: 共享所有权(Shared Ownership):引用计数支持多个共享指针,以确保它们引用的数据对象永远不被删...
You could write a software rasterizer that uses the traditional SGI rendering approach; you could write a software renderer that generates a scene using a tiled rendering approach. Take for instance Unreal Engine 1, which was one of the industry's last really great software renderers. Back in ...
if(TSharedPtr<FMyObjectType> LockedObserver = ObjectObserver.Pin()) { //共享指针仅在此范围内有效。 //该对象已被验证为存在,而共享指针阻止其被删除。 LockedObserver->SomeFunction(); } 复制完整片段 取消引用和访问 要访问弱指针的对象,首需使用Pin函数,将其提升为共享指针。然后可通过共享指针或弱指针...
constUE4CodeGen_Private::FPropertyParamsBase*constZ_Construct_UClass_AWeapon_Statics::PropPointers[] = { (constUE4CodeGen_Private::FPropertyParamsBase*)&Z_Construct_UClass_AWeapon_Statics::NewProp_WeaponName, }; /** 成员函数 **/ constFClassFunctionLinkInfo Z_Construct_UClass_AWeapon_Statics::Fu...
Weak Pointershave no impact on whether an Object is garbage collected or not. When the garbage collector runs, unreferenced Objects found are removed from memory. In addition, the functionMarkPendingKill()can be called directly on an Object. This function sets all pointers to the Object toNULL...
シェアード ポインタは Unreal オブジェクト (UObject およびその派生クラス) と互換性がありません。Unreal Engine には UObject 管理のための独自のメモリ管理システムがあります (「Unreal でのオブジェクトの処理」 を参照)。これら 2 つのシステムは互いに干渉しません。 ...
When anAActororUActorComponentis destroyed or otherwise removed from play, all references to it that are visible to the reflection system (UPropertypointers and pointers stored in Unreal Engine container classes such asTArray) are automatically nulled. This is beneficial in that it p...
一些BuildGraph 脚本的示例存在了这里:Engine/Build/Graph/Examples/…新货:制作安装版本的脚本以制作过程更简单以及对其他的开发团队更透明的引擎定制化为目标,我们已经用 BuildGraph 脚本语言重写了可安装的UE4发布版本的构建过程。脚本在 Engine/Build/InstalledEngineBuild.xml,能用 AuomationTool 和一下的命令行来...
It’s important to check if pointers are not “null” (also written as “nullptr” in code, meaning not pointing to anything) before attempting to call functions or change its variables, or the engine will crash when executing that piece of code. So you will use the above if-statement of...
Expanding the capabilities of working with game artificial intelligence on the Unreal Engine game engine. Utility-based artificial intelligence uses a heuristic function to calculate the utility of each option, and then that utility is used to make decisions. This is usually performed by selecting the...