UnityEngine.Timeline UnityEngine.tvOS UnityEngine.U2D UnityEngine.UI UnityEngine.Video UnityEngine.Windows UnityEngine.WSA UnityEngine.XR Classes Interfaces Enumerations Attributes Assemblies class in UnityEngine.Assertions 描述 Assert 类包含用于在代码中设置不变量的断言方法。
Unity is mainly a rich collection of assertions and the support to gather up and easily execute those assertions. The structure of Unity allows you to easily separate test assertions from source code in, well, test code. Unity’s assertions: Come in many, many flavors to handle different C...
Fluent Assertions for Unity This package contains the current version of FluentAssertions 6.8.0 ready to use with Unity.If you encouter any bugs, which are related to the package and not to FluentAssertions itself, feel free to open an issue....
断言的包含由 UNITY_ASSERTIONS 定义控制。 一个断言方法的失败不会中断执行的控制流程。 失败时,系统会将断言消息记录在日志中 (LogType.Assert),而执行 会继续进行。如果 Assert.raiseExceptions 设置为 true,则系统会抛出 AssertionException 而不是将消息记录在日志中。 如果调试器附加到项目(System.Diagnostics....
UnityEngine.Tilemaps UnityEngine.Timeline UnityEngine.Tizen UnityEngine.U2D UnityEngine.UI UnityEngine.Video UnityEngine.Windows UnityEngine.WSA UnityEngine.XR Classes Interfaces Enumerations Attributes Other class in UnityEngine.Assertions 描述 Assert 类包含用于在代码中设置不变量的断言方法。
UnityEngine.Timeline UnityEngine.Tizen UnityEngine.U2D UnityEngine.UI UnityEngine.Video UnityEngine.VR UnityEngine.Windows UnityEngine.WSA Classes Interfaces Enumerations Attributes class in UnityEngine.Assertions Description Assert 类包含用于在代码中设置不变量的断言方法。
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Assertions;public class AssertionExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public int health; public GameObject go; void Update() { // You expect the health never to be equal to zero Assert.AreNotEqual(0, health); // The referenced GameObject should be always (in ev...
Simple Unit Testing for C. Contribute to ThrowTheSwitch/Unity development by creating an account on GitHub.
https://github.com/BoundfoxStudios/fluentassertions-unity.git#upm Setup Then, reference FluentAssertions in your test's assembly definition and you are good to go! Troubleshooting If you get the following error: The type or namespace name 'DynamicMethod' could not be found (are you missing a...
断言的包含由 UNITY_ASSERTIONS 定义控制。 默认情况下,只要断言失败,资源就抛出异常。 不过,可将 Assertions.Assert._raiseExceptions 设置为 false,这样 Unity 会改用 LogType.Assert 记录消息。 如果调试器附加到项目(System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached 为 true), 将抛出 AssertionException 以暂停执行和 调用...