这些都是个人猜测,总之,Thread中不要使用任何需要回到unity中执行的函数。 2、The game crashed 这是寻找上一个问题发现的错误,有可能跟上一个问题一起出现。这是由于我在测试线程中只加入while(true){ ... },循环中只有一两句赋值代码,因为循环太快就出错了。估计是协程里无法承受这样短周期内对少数指令频繁操...
Ok, this is a game powered by unity, and I have installed OpenCL and OpenGL support. The software works fine when I try to run the game and has a startup screen but it will exit (crash) directly after the launch screen ends. I guess there was a problem
我是C#和unity的新手,我试图在我的API中获得unity崩溃报告,但当我调用CrashReport.reports时,我总是得到一个空数组,尽管一些崩溃报告存在于unity stores details%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\Unity\Editor\Crashed\的文件夹中。在我的服务中,我有: public void Initialize() 浏览16提问于2019-09-06得票数 ...
是我利用课余时间自学Unity3D开发的一款沙雕向开放世界独立游戏,现已上架steam,感兴趣的话可以来玩一玩,我还在不断更新游戏,如果有意见或者建议也可以跟我反馈一下 +1 1185326 永恒之柱2吧 Meso272 请问一下,游戏在打开时就崩溃是什么原因我测试了steam版和其它的下载版本,都是在打开时就提示“The game crashed...
我是C#和unity的新手,我试图在我的API中获得unity崩溃报告,但当我调用CrashReport.reports时,我总是得到一个空数组,尽管一些崩溃报告存在于unity stores details%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\Unity\Editor\Crashed\的文件夹中。 浏览16提问于2019-09-06得票数 0 回答已采纳 ...
unity3d导出的exe打开后显示oops.the game crashed 分享2赞 unity3d吧 寒江雪凌3 unity导出EXE后出现的问题楼主期中要求制作简单的游戏,肝了几天以后今天终于导出文件,然后测试EXE效果时出现了问题。因为游戏中可以切换两个角色进行移动,在game窗口时显示十分顺利,然而换到EXE后,按tab键的切换效果开始失灵,有时切换...
im sure i missed something. but i cant help me anymore. the game was running for years absolute fine. no crashes at all. but suddenly i crash constantly to desktop. sometimes i could play few raids on streets and so on, it crashed here and there, but now i cannot even load into a...
My unity game crashed on iphone start-up. It doesn't always happen and happened on my old iPhone(IOS 15.5 version), but not on another old iphone( IOS 14.8.1 version). This is the crash log. I don't understand the log. Can you help me? Many Thanks. To sum up: Unity game crash...
Context: RDI: 0x00000000 RSI: 0x00000000 RAX: 0x002df4d0 上面是错误日志, 分享62 都市天际线吧 贴吧用户_0yD9Ce1 这啥情况啊每次载入地图到最后都是the game crashed错误 就开了常用的那几个mod,网上说加内存我32g内存还不够吗?还是mod的原因 Unity Player [version: Unity 5.6.7f1_e80cc3114ac1] ...
【UE4/5】坠毁的飞船环境场景 Crashed Starship Pack CGalpha 119 0 Unity插件 – 路径绘画系统 Path Painter II CGalpha 465 0 UE4插件 – 2D汽车战斗系统 2D Car Combat Fire System CGalpha 20 0 Unity – 物理引擎卡丁车游戏开发模板 Powerslide Kart Physics CGalpha 627 0 【中文字幕】Unity 猜字...