Texture2D outputtex =newTexture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.ARGB32,false);// we need to check alpha ourselves,because particle use additive shader// Create Alpha from the difference between black and white camera rendersfor(inty =0; y < outputtex.height; ++y) {// each rowfor(intx =0...
// Encode the resulting output texture to a byte array then write to the file byte[] pngShot = outputtex.EncodeToPNG(); File.WriteAllBytes(filename, pngShot); // cleanup, otherwise will memory leak pngShot = null; RenderTexture.active = null; DestroyImmediate(outputtex); outputtex = null...
outputtex.SetPixel(x, y, color); // Encode the resulting output texture to a byte array then write to the file byte pngShot = outputtex.EncodeToPNG(); File.WriteAllBytes(filename, pngShot); // cleanup, otherwise will memory leak pngShot = null; RenderTexture.active = null; DestroyImmed...
4、Unity收到这个二进制后,通过Texture2d.LodImage的方法转换为Texture2d的图片,就可以直接使用了。 另外: 1、对于指定图片大小,可以从安卓层的Bitmap上获取,或者取图片的时候R.drawable.game_bg后面可以再点出尺寸。 2、byte[]传到unity后,可以指定新尺寸,也可以指定为原尺寸。 3、至于原尺寸的获取,因为返回值...
// Default folder name where you want the animations to be output public string folder = "PNG_Animations";// Framerate at which you want to play the animation public int frameRate = 25; // export frame rate 导出帧率,设置Time.captureFramerate会忽略真实时间,直接使⽤此帧率 public float...
在Unity中,可以使用Texture2D类的LoadRawTextureData或LoadImage方法来将byte[]数据转换为Texture2D对象。以下是一个示例代码: csharp using UnityEngine; public class ByteArrayToTexture : MonoBehaviour { // 假设byteArray是你已经获取到的图像数据 byte[] byteArray = { /* ... 图像数据的byte[]表示 ... ...
material.mainTexture = texture2DArray; material.SetFloat("_Weight", weight); }Texture2DArrayCreateTexture2DArray(){ Texture2DArray texture2DArray =newTexture2DArray(texture1.width, texture1.height,2, texture1.format,false); NativeArray<byte> pixelData1 = texture1.GetPixelData<byte>(0); ...
byte[] Raw texture data as a byte array. 返回原始纹理的字节组。 Description 描述 Get raw data from a texture. 从纹理获取原始数据。 This function returns the raw texture data as a byte array, which you can then use with Texture2D.LoadRawTextureData. This allows you to serialize and load...
public byte[] EncodeToPNG(); Description Encodes this texture into PNG format. The returned byte array is the PNG "file". You can write them to disk to get the PNG file, send them over the network, etc.This function works only on ARGB32 and RGB24 texture formats. The texture also ...
texture1.format, false); NativeArray<byte> pixelData1 = texture1.GetPixelData<byte>(0); NativeArray<byte> pixelData2 = texture2.GetPixelData<byte>(0); texture2DArray.SetPixelData(pixelData1, 0, 0, 0); texture2DArray.SetPixelData(pixelData2, 0, 1, 0); ...