TerrainData.terrainLayers public TerrainLayer[] terrainLayers ; 描述 检索当前地形使用的地形层。 另请参阅:SetTerrainLayersRegisterUndo。 Did you find this page useful? Please give it a rating: Report a problem on this page 版权所有 © 2020 Unity Technologies. Publication 2019.3 教程社区答案知...
我们直接用Unity原始地形数据,储存在TerrainBlenderInfo 这里smoothness,metallic暂时没用到 public struct TerrainBlenderInfo { public Rect rect; public Texture[] controls; public Texture[] splats; public Texture[] normals; public Vector4[] controls_st; public Vector4[] splats_st; public float[] smooth...
Terrain Engine Tree Creator Particle Systems Textures and Videos Reflection probes Sprite Editor Cluster Rendering Advanced Rendering Features Procedural Materials Procedural Mesh Geometry Optimizing Graphics Performance Layers Graphics Reference Graphics HOWTOs Graphics Tutorials Physics Scripting Audio Animation UI...
UnityAssetStore地址:https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/terrain/real-world-terrain-8752#releases Real World Terrain 4.9.4(latest)资源包下载:https://download.csdn.net/download/weixin_42731085/89732788 二、Real World Terrain导入与调用 使用UnityHub创建新工程,编辑器版本需大于Unity 2017.4 LTS,渲...
要在Unity中使用Terrain Editor,您首先需要创建Terrain GameObject。 1.从顶部下拉菜单中选择:“GameObject”>“3D Object”>“Terrain”。这会将新的Terrain GameObject添加到场景中。 选择要展开的图像 The newly added Terrain in the Scene view. 创建地形也会将相应的Terrain Asset添加到“Project”窗口。
Get the TerraWorld 2023 - Node-Based Real-World 3D Scene Generator package from TERRA and speed up your game development process. Find this & other Terrain options on the Unity Asset Store.
(附属)Terrain【地形】 (6)Services【服务】 (7)Window【窗口】 (8)Help【帮助】 7、工具栏:菜单栏下面一栏 (1)Transform工具:从左到右分别表示手型工具,移动工具,旋转工具,缩放工具,UI缩放工具,对应快捷键:Q W E R T。 (2)Transform Gizmo切换工具:用于改变Scene视图中Translate工具的工作方式。
Terrain.collectDetailPatches Property UnityEngine added 4.6.0 TextGenerationSettings.fontSize Field UnityEngine added 4.6.0 TextGenerationSettings.fontStyle Field UnityEngine added 4.6.0 TextGenerationSettings.generateOutOfBounds Field UnityEngine added 4.6.0 TextGenerationSettings.generationExtents Field UnityEngi...
Configurable tiling and offsets for up to 4 texture layers. Mesh Generation Chunk-based mesh generation for optimized memory usage. Optional LOD levels with customizable reduction strength and transition heights. Terrain tree exporter with LOD and parent group handling. Accurate heightmap sampling for ...
Unity Terrain project. Source: Unity Unity Hub Installs Unity Asset Store Unity Tools Back to the Top Unity Hub is a tool that helps manage multiple installations of the Unity Editor, create new projects, and access your work. Unity Asset Storeis Unity's Store that has a library Of Tex...