Add depth to your next project with Terrain UV-Free Triplanar Texturing from Raving Bots. Find this & more VFX Shaders on the Unity Asset Store.
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首先,请在新建的Universal Render Pipeline (URP)项目中创建空白场景。您可以使用Terrain Editor,但需要采用3D、HDRP或URP项目模板。请注意,Terrain Editor不适用于2D项目模板。建议您使用自己保存的项目进行练习,也可以从Unity Hub中创建新的URP项目并按本教程操作。但首先应创建新的Terrain GameObject。
发现用于制作游戏的优质资源。从我们种类繁多的 2D、3D 模型、SDK、模板和工具目录中进行选择,加快您的游戏开发进程。
Get the Gaia 2023 - Terrain & Scene Generator package from Procedural Worlds and speed up your game development process. Find this & other Terrain options on the Unity Asset Store.
–Looped or Non Looped flythroughs; –Helios 2D and 3D video integration; –Extensible trigger system to add custom behaviors; –High performance allocation free; –Run time scriptable. Pegasus works with your favorite terrain, building, dungeon or cave, and is extensible and scriptable. ...
(ProBuilder), though, that allows you to model 3D components right inside of Unity; there are 2D world builder plug-ins such as the 2D Terrain Editor for creating 2D tiled environments, and you can also design terrains from within Unity using their Terrain Tools to create amazing landscapes ...
Dungeon free resources (terrain & roguelike generation) 地下城资源(地形和roguelike生成) Texturepanner This repository hosts a shader for Unity3D whose main goal is to facilitate the creation of neon-like signs, conveyor belts and basically whatever based on scrolling textures ...
Unity has a built-in terrain system for generating a world. You can create a terrain and then use the included terrain tools to sculpt your terrain, make mountains, place trees and grass, paint textures, and more. You can add a sky to your world by importing the skybox package (Assets ...
Triton for Unity can automatically create a height map from your scene, used to smoothly blend the water with your terrain at the coastline. This same height information is used to restrict Triton’s water to areas at or below the sea level you define, and also produces breaking wave effects...