public static object Lerp(object value1, object value2, string type, float location) { object value; switch (type) { case "Bool": value = location < 0.5f ? (bool)value1 : (bool)value2; break; case "Color": value = Color.Lerp((Color)value1, (Color)value2, location); break; cas...
为了解决这个问题,C# 设置了分支语句switch。其语法格式如下: switch(值) { case值1:语句1; break; case值2:语句2; break; ··· case值n:语句n; break; } 当switch后面的值取某一值时,就执行相应case后面的语句。例如,当值是值 1 时,执行语句 1;当值是值...
switch (collision.collider.tag) { case "障碍物": text.text = "失败:" + transform.position.z.ToString("f2"); isover = true; start = false; Play("音乐/lows"); Audio_BG.volume = 40; break; case "终点": text.text = "胜利!"; start = false; isover = true; Play("音乐/win");...
这个属性是string类型,用来访问TextAsset中的全部文本。 3.DialogueSystem脚本构建 publicText text;publicImage Image;publicTextAsset textAsset; List<string> textList =newList<string>();intindex =0;publicfloattime;booltextFinished;boolcancelTyping;publicSprite face1, face2; 简单来说,实现基础对话框需要以上几...
text.text = string.Format("C:{0} / T:{1} [{2}]", currentNumber, targetNumber, solved); switch ((int)action[0]) { case 0: currentNumber -= 0.01f; break; case 1: currentNumber += 0.01f; break; default: return; } cube.position = new Vector3(currentNumber * 5f, 0f, 0f)...
Vector2 screenSize=newVector2(Screen.width,Screen.height);float scaleFactor=0;switch(m_ScreenMatchMode){caseScreenMatchMode.MatchWidthOrHeight:{// We take the log of the relative width and height before taking the average.// Then we transform it back in the original space.// the reason to ...
switch (GetDirection()) { case Direction.Down: position.y = position.y + -Speed * Time.deltaTime; break; case Direction.Up: position.y = position.y + Speed * Time.deltaTime; break; case Direction.Left: position.x = position.x + -Speed * Time.deltaTime; ...
switch (image_.type) { case Image.Type.Sliced: { var border = sprite_.border; // x 轴裁剪 if (localPosition.x < border.x) { x = Mathf.FloorToInt(spriteRect.x + localPosition.x); } else if (localPosition.x > maskRect.width - border.z) ...
{ secondsElapsed += Time.deltaTime; } void OnDestroy(){ Dictionary<string, object> customParams = new Dictionary<string, object>(); customParams.Add("seconds_played", secondsElapsed); customParams.Add("points", score); customParams.Add("deaths", deaths); switch(this.state){ case Level...